

  • well in advance
  • 相当:    match; balance; correspond t ...
  • 提前:    shift to an earlier date; mo ...
  • 当提到:    when it comes to
  • 当提词人:    hold book
  • 提前:    1.(往前移) shift to an earlier date; move up (a date); bring forward; advance 罢工的时间提前了。 the time for the strike has been moved up.2.(事先) in advance; ahead of time; ahead of schedule; beforehand 提前释放 release [discharge] before the sentence expires; 提前一个月完成计划 fulfil the plan a month ahead of time; 提前召开大会 convene the congress before the due date; 提前完成任务 fulfil [finish] the task ahead of schedule [time]; 开会时间如有变, 请提前告诉我们。 if there is any change about the time of the meeting, please notify us in advance.; 提前点火 advanced ignition; preignition; 提前时间 pre-set time; lead time; 提前退休金 early retirement benefits; 提前消费 anticipate; 提前完成生产指标 meet production target ahead of time; 提前支付 anticipation


        相当:    match; balance; correspond t ...
        提前:    shift to an earlier date; mo ...
        当提到:    when it comes to
        相当:    1.(两方面差不多; 配得上或能够相抵) match; balance; correspond to; be equivalent to; be equal to; be commensurate with [to]: 年龄相当 of about the same age; be well-matched in age; 得失相当。 the gains balance the losses. 法国的外交部长相当于美国的国务卿。 the french minister of foreign affairs is the equal of american secretary of state. 两个足球队实力相当。 the two football teams are well-matched.2.(适宜; 合适) suitable; fit; appropriate 相当的人选 suitable person; fit person; 相当的字眼 suitable words; appropriate words; 这工作没有找到相当的人。 we haven't found a fit person for this job yet.3.(程度高) quite; fairly; considerably 相当成功 quite a success; 相当好 fairly good; 相当多 quite a lot [number; few; bit; amount]; 社会主义社会是一个相当长的历史阶段。 socialist society covers a historical period of considerable length
        当提词人:    hold book
        提前:    1.(往前移) shift to an earlier date; move up (a date); bring forward; advance 罢工的时间提前了。 the time for the strike has been moved up.2.(事先) in advance; ahead of time; ahead of schedule; beforehand 提前释放 release [discharge] before the sentence expires; 提前一个月完成计划 fulfil the plan a month ahead of time; 提前召开大会 convene the congress before the due date; 提前完成任务 fulfil [finish] the task ahead of schedule [time]; 开会时间如有变, 请提前告诉我们。 if there is any change about the time of the meeting, please notify us in advance.; 提前点火 advanced ignition; preignition; 提前时间 pre-set time; lead time; 提前退休金 early retirement benefits; 提前消费 anticipate; 提前完成生产指标 meet production target ahead of time; 提前支付 anticipation
        符合;相当:    correspond
        十分,相当:    quite
        相当,完全:    quite
        相当;颇:    rather
        相当矮:    fairy short
        相当差:    pretty bad
        相当大:    good sized
        相当的:    appropriate; commensurable; commensurately; comparative; condign; consderable; considerable; corresponding; equivalent; equvalent; fairish; gey; goodly; perceptible; possible; proportionable; quite a; respectable; smart; substantial; suitable; tantamount; tidy; tolerable
        相当地:    comparativel; considerably; correspondingly; fairly; half; meetly; properly; quite; rather; reasonably; respectably; tolerably; well
        相当多:    a good few; quite a bit of; quite a few; quite a little
        相当高:    pretty tall; very high
        相当好:    fairly good
        相当酷:    be quite cool
        相当冷:    awfully cold
        相当忙:    pretty busy
        相当痛:    rather painful
        相当性:    equivalence
        相当于:    act for; amount; as good as; contain; correspond to; enable panning; equivalently; gear; sampling error; to be equivalent to
        相当字:    synonym


  1. "相当上了年纪的, 衰老的"英文
  2. "相当湿度"英文
  3. "相当数量"英文
  4. "相当速度"英文
  5. "相当损失"英文
  6. "相当挺的"英文
  7. "相当痛"英文
  8. "相当推力"英文
  9. "相当弯矩"英文
  10. "相当微小的"英文


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