相当: match; balance; correspond t ...挺: stick out; bulge or protrude ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...笔挺的: crease free; crease-free坚挺的: firm; strong相当: 1.(两方面差不多; 配得上或能够相抵) match; balance; correspond to; be equivalent to; be equal to; be commensurate with [to]: 年龄相当 of about the same age; be well-matched in age; 得失相当。 the gains balance the losses. 法国的外交部长相当于美国的国务卿。 the french minister of foreign affairs is the equal of american secretary of state. 两个足球队实力相当。 the two football teams are well-matched.2.(适宜; 合适) suitable; fit; appropriate 相当的人选 suitable person; fit person; 相当的字眼 suitable words; appropriate words; 这工作没有找到相当的人。 we haven't found a fit person for this job yet.3.(程度高) quite; fairly; considerably 相当成功 quite a success; 相当好 fairly good; 相当多 quite a lot [number; few; bit; amount]; 社会主义社会是一个相当长的历史阶段。 socialist society covers a historical period of considerable length笔挺的制服: well ironed uniform僵挺的姿势: an angular posture gait stride衣领挺的: stand-up直挺的鼻子: ight nose〔美俚〕浆得笔挺的衬衫。: fried shirt价格坚挺的市场: stiff market坚挺的帐篷支柱: a rigid support for a tent行情坚挺的市场: firm market符合;相当: correspond十分,相当: quite相当,完全: quite相当;颇: rather相当矮: fairy short相当差: pretty bad相当大: good sized相当的: appropriate; commensurable; commensurately; comparative; condign; consderable; considerable; corresponding; equivalent; equvalent; fairish; gey; goodly; perceptible; possible; proportionable; quite a; respectable; smart; substantial; suitable; tantamount; tidy; tolerable相当地: comparativel; considerably; correspondingly; fairly; half; meetly; properly; quite; rather; reasonably; respectably; tolerably; well相当多: a good few; quite a bit of; quite a few; quite a little相当高: pretty tall; very high