- 温故知新什么意思:wēn gù zhī xīn 【解释】温习旧的知识,得到新的理解和体会。也指回忆过去,能更好地认识现在。【出处】《论语·为政》:“温故而知新,可以为师矣。”【示例】~是学习上的重要方法。【拼音码】wgzx【用法】连动式;作谓语、定语;用于学习、工作或其他【英文】gain new insights through reviewing old material
- 温故知新的英语:review what has been learned and learn sth. new; gain new insights through restudying old material; learn the new by restudying the old; reviewing the past helps one to understand the present.; review the old and learn the new; review the past and you'll know better the present.; review what you have learned and know what is new.; review what you have learnt in order to learn sth. new.: ""温故知新, 可以为师矣。"" ""those who learn the new by restudying the old may be teachers."
- 温故知新的法语:en répétant ce qu'on sait depuis longtemps,apprendre du nouveau;en se souvenant du passé,comprendre le présent;par la répétition;on apprend toujours quelque chose de nouveau.
- 温故知新的日语:〈成〉温故知新.古きをたずねて新しきを知る.習ったものを復習して新しいことを知る.過去を振り返って現在を見直す.
- 温故知新的韩语:【성어】 옛 것을 배우고 익혀 새로운 것을 알다;과거를 돌이켜 보고 현재를 이해하다. 온고지신.
- 温故知新的俄语:[wēngù zhīxīn] обр. возвращаться к старому, чтобы лучше познать новое; познав прошлое, лучше поймёшь настоящее