- 安贫乐道什么意思:ān pín lè dào 【解释】安于贫穷,以坚持自己的信念为乐。旧时士大夫所主张的为人处世之道。【出处】《后汉书·杨彪传》:“安贫乐道,恬于进趣。”【示例】劝人~是古今治国平天下的大经络,开过的方子也很多,但都没有十全大补的功效。(鲁迅《花边文学·安贫乐道法》)【拼音码】apld【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语;形容甘于贫困恶劣的环境【英文】be contented in poverty and devote to things spiritual
- 安贫乐道的英语:(古代儒家所提倡的立身处世的态度) be contented in poverty and devoted to things spiritual; willing to suffer poverty and unwilling to leave the right track -- willing to suffer; bow to one's fate; caring only for one's principles or the way; happy to lead a simple, virtuous life; live contentedly as a poor scholar; repose in poverty and delight in wisdom 短语和例子劝人安贫乐道是古今治国平天下的大经络, 开过的方子也很多, 但都没有十全大补的功效。 (鲁迅) since ancient times urging men to find contentment in poverty has been one great way of preserving peace and order; but though many prescriptions have been made out, none is completely effective
- 安贫乐道的韩语:【성어】 안빈낙도하다.