- 大逆不道什么意思:dà nì bù dào 【解释】旧时统治阶级对破坏封建秩序的人所加的重大罪名。【出处】《史记·高祖本纪》:“天下所不容,大逆无道。”《汉书·杨恽传》:“为妖恶言,大逆不道,请逮捕治。”【拼音码】dnbd【灯谜面】顺耳话【用法】联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;用于指叛逆【英文】treason and heresy 【故事】秦朝末年,楚汉相争,楚军与汉军在广武城相遇,项羽想与刘邦单独角斗来结束战事,刘邦死活不肯应战,只是列举项羽十大罪状,说项羽是大逆不道。项羽气得浑身发抖,命令士兵向汉军放箭,刘邦中箭,汉军只好退回皋城防守
- 大逆不道的英语:treason and heresy; be treacherous; commit high treason; go against [violate] all the heavenly laws of morality and filial love; greatest outrage; monstrous crime; offensive to all established values; the major crime of insubordination; (be charged with) the monstrous crime of insubordination; thoroughly perverse and unprincipled; thoroughly turbulent and absurd; worst offense 短语和例子封建统治者常给那些反抗他们的人加上大逆不道的罪名。 feudal rulers often branded those who rebelled against them as traitors and heretics
- 大逆不道的法语:名acte de félonie;perfidie;grande trahison;horribles forfaits
- 大逆不道的日语:〈成〉大逆無道.封建社会では特に人民が君主に反逆することをさした.
- 大逆不道的韩语:【성어】 대역무도.常给那些反抗他们的人加上大逆不道的罪名;항상 자신들에게 반항하는 사람들에게 대역무도의 죄명을 씌우다
- 大逆不道的俄语:pinyin:dànìbùdàoсовершать величайшее преступление (измену, мятеж); быть великим преступником (изменником); тягчайшее преступление; тяжкий грех