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  • high temperature distillation
  • pyrogenic distillation
  • "高温"英文翻译    high temperature; elevated t ...
  • "蒸馏"英文翻译    distillation; distill
  • "高温蒸馏的" 英文翻译 :    pyrogenous
  • "高温蒸馏法" 英文翻译 :    high temperature distillation
  • "高温蒸馏温度计" 英文翻译 :    high-distillation thermometer
  • "高温蒸馏用温度计" 英文翻译 :    high-distillation thermometer
  • "等温蒸馏" 英文翻译 :    isothermal distillation
  • "低温蒸馏" 英文翻译 :    cold distillation; cryogenic distillation; low distillation; low temperature distillation; low-temperature distillation
  • "高温蒸煮" 英文翻译 :    thermophilic digestion; tone'smophilic digestion
  • "氢低温蒸馏塔" 英文翻译 :    hydrogen cryogenic distillation columns
  • "高温蒸汽裂解" 英文翻译 :    high temperature steam cracking
  • "高温蒸汽养护" 英文翻译 :    high temperature steam curing
  • "高温蒸煮消毒" 英文翻译 :    sterilization by cooking at a high temperature
  • "低温蒸馏温度计" 英文翻译 :    low distillation thermometer; low distillation thermometre
  • "高低温蒸馏装置" 英文翻译 :    low and high temperature fraction distilling a aratus; low and high temperature fraction distilling apparatus
  • "长环高温蒸化机" 英文翻译 :    high temperature loosteamer
  • "长环高温蒸化器" 英文翻译 :    high temperature long-loop ager
  • "高温蒸汽干燥窑" 英文翻译 :    super heated steam kiln
  • "耐冲拔耐高温蒸煮金属涂料" 英文翻译 :    metal paint resisting flushing and high-temp. boiling
  • "蒸馏" 英文翻译 :    [化学] [物理学] distillation; distill 从废水中蒸馏出有用的溶剂 distill useful solvents from waste water; 拔顶蒸馏 [化学] topping distillation; 常压蒸馏 [化学] atmospheric distillation; 真空蒸馏 [化学] vacuum distillation; 蒸馏釜 distilling still; still alembic; 蒸馏酒 distilled liquor; distilled spirit; lush; grog; toot; drink; hard liquor; [墨西哥] sotol; 蒸馏瓶 cucurbit; 蒸馏室 distillery; 蒸馏塔 distillation column; distillation tower; 蒸馏液 [化学] distillate; 蒸馏作用 alembication
  • "高温" 英文翻译 :    high temperature; elevated temperature; hyperthermia; megatemperature; inferno 高温蒸煮消毒 sterilization by cooking at a high temperature; 耐1,200度的高温 withstand a 1,200-degree temperature; 达到高温 reach a high temperature; 它在高温中熔化。 it melts at very high temperature.; 高温安装线 high-temperature hook-up wire; 高温焙烧 high-temperature roasting; 高温泵 high-temperaturre pump; 高温表 pyrometric scale; 高温材料 high-temperature material; 高温操作 high-temperature operation; 高温车间 high-temperature workshop; 高温冲击试验 elevated temperature impact test; 高温处理 high-temperature processing; high-temperature treatment; 高温传感器 [工业] pyrostat; 高温磁性材料 high-temperature magnetic material; 高温淬火 quench hot; 高温带 thermal belt; thermal zone; high-temperature belt; hot-temperature zone; hot zone; 高温导电性 pyroconductivity; 高温地蜡 pietrickite; zietrisikite; 高温电绝缘涂层 high-temperature electrical insulating coating; 高温电离 thermal ionization; 高温电炉 high-temperature electric resistance furnace; 高温电阻器 high temperature resistor; 高温煅烧 high-temperature calcination; 高温反应 pyroreaction; high-temperature reaction; 高温反应堆 [核子] high-temperature reactor; 高温分解 pyrolysis; 高温覆层 high-temperature coating; 高温干馏 high-temperature retorting; 高温干燥 high temperature drying; 高温干燥机 high-temperature drier; 高温隔热涂层 high temperature thermal insulation coating; 高温工作面 hot working face; 高温工作寿命试验 high-temperature operation life test; 高温环境 hot environment; 高温津贴 allowances for work in high temperatures; 高温绝缘 high-temperature insulation; 高温抗氧化涂层 high-temperature oxidation resistant coating; 高温冷却 high-temperature cooling;高温模具钢 hot-die steel; 高温耐火材料 high-temperature refractory; 高温粘合剂 high-temperature adhesives; 高温期 megathermal period; 高温气候 megathermal climate; 高温气冷反应堆 [核子] high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (htgr); 高温切削 high-temperature machining; hot machine; 高温区 high-temperature region; high-temperature zone; hot space; 高温试验 high-temperature test; hot test; 高温试验室 hot climate cell; 高温试验箱 high-temperature test chamber; 高温水泥 [材料] high-temperature cement; 高温隧道窑 hyperthermia tunnel kiln; 高温探针 pyrometric probe; 高温箱 high-temperature cabinet; 高温压制 high-temperature pressing; 高温植物 megatherm; megistotherm; 高温轴承 high-temperature bearing; 高温贮存寿命试验 high-temperature storage life test; 高温作业 working at high temperature; high-temperature operation
  • "低温蒸汽" 英文翻译 :    low temperature steam
  • "恒温蒸发" 英文翻译 :    evaporation at constant temperature
  • "恒温蒸发器" 英文翻译 :    thermostatic evaporator
  • "减温蒸汽" 英文翻译 :    desuperheated steam


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