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这事曾经耳闻详细情况不很清楚 i've heard about it but i don't know the details
情节 1.(内容) plot; story 动人的情节 fascinating story; 过分渲染情节的闹剧 a lurid melodrama; 几乎没有什么情节的小说 a novel almost without plot; 情节紧凑 a tightknit plot; 情节曲折。 the details are intricate. 这出戏情节平淡。 the play lacks movement.2.(事实经过) details of a case; circumstances 情节相同 with similar details; 他的错误情节严重。 his error is of a serious nature
详细 detailed; minute; circumstantial; explicit 详细的报告 a detailed report; 详细的记述 detailed account; 详细情节 detailed circumstances; ins and outs; 详细叙述 saga; 详细讲述 dwell on [upon]; 详细讨论 bat; 详细审计 detailed audit; 详细条款 detailed provisions; 详细描述 give a minute description; 详细了解情况 acquire detailed knowledge of the situation; 详细说明 explain at some length; 详细占有材料 collect all the available material; have all the relevant data at one's fingertips; 详细描写 write up; 欲知详细情况, 请致函本公司分店。 for further details, please write to our branch office. 请扼要地告诉我发生了什么事情, 不必讲得太详细。 please tell me what happened in a few words, don't go into details.; 详细记录 detail record; 详细说明 detailed description; 详细资料 particulars
犯罪情节 circumstances of c crime; criminal circumstances of crime
For the detailed facts of the australian system i am indebted to the rev. lorimer fison, an english missionary in australia . 关于澳大利亚制度的详细情节,我要感谢在澳洲的英国传教士洛里默斐孙牧师
On waking in the morning , she told the rostovs and all her acquaintances the details of count bezuhovs death 翌日清晨醒来,她向罗斯托夫家里人和各个熟人叙述了别祖霍夫伯爵辞世的详细情节。
For the detailed facts of the australian system i am indebted to the rev . lorimer fison , an english missionary in australia 关于澳大利亚制度的详细情节,我要感谢在澳洲的英国传教士洛里默?斐孙牧师
He vividly pictured again all the details of the battle , not in confusion , but definitely , in condensed shape , as he meant to present them to the emperor francis 他的思想上又很生动地浮现出作战的详细情节,这种想象已经不是模糊的,而是合乎逻辑的。他想简单而扼要地向弗朗茨皇帝禀告实情。