质问 question; interrogate; query; call to account 提出质问 bring sb. to account; put a query to...; 质问某人 hurl a question at sb.; 我对他发言的真实性提出一连串质问。 i fired a hundred questions concerning the truthfulness of his statement
After the introductions we immediately got down to business and reached an agreement within an hour 开场白以后我们马上讨论实质问题,一个小时内便达成了协议。
We ll also get down to brass tacks , and actually study some real cryptographic packages , complete with code examples 我们还将讨论实质问题,并实际研究一些真正的密码套装软体,包括程式范例。
We have talked about replacing this machine for a long time , but we must now get down to brass tacks and decide what type to buy 关于更换这台机器,我们已讨论了很长时间。不过我们现在必须讨论实质问题,决定购置哪种类型的机器。