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音标:[ zuǎnxiū ]  发音:  


  • compile; edit; prepare


  • The compiling of draft of qing dynasty and its shortcomings
  • The date of dunhuang ms : s . 6551 and some relative history facts
  • Cultural factors of the compiling of tai ping guang ji
  • Zi di cun zhi ( a book recording the historical events of zidi village ) compiled in qing dynasty recorded vivid and detailed materials about the then grass - roots society
  • Dai zhen ( 1723 ? 1777 ) , xiuning county native in the qing dynasty , was a successful candidate in the imperial examinations at the provincial level in the reign of qianlong
    戴震( 1723 ? 1777 ) :清休宁人,字慎修、东原,乾隆举人,屡考进士不中,后开馆纂修《四库全书》 ,授翰林院庶吉士。
  • On one hand , he took charge of modifying such official books as veritable records of shizong of ming dynasty veritable records of muzong of ming dynasty and books and records of wanli ' s reign , etc , raising many renovation measures to perfect the system of historiographers ' office in ming dynasty ; on the other hand , as the head member of the cabinet , he restored and reconstructed the annotation of daily life that had been long cast aside by exerting his own power
    一方面,他先后主持纂修了《明世宗实录》 、 《明穆宗实录》和万历《会典》等大型官书,提出许多改革措施,完善了明代的史馆制度;另一方面,他以内阁首辅的身份,凭借自己的权力,恢复、重建了曾长期废置的起居注。


  • 纂修的韩语:(1)[동사] 편찬하다. 편집하다. (2)[명사] 편집자. (3)[동사] 이어받아 완전하게 고치다. 纂修洪业; 홍업을 이어받아 완전하게 발전시키다
  • 纂修的俄语:pinyin:zuǎnxiū 1) составлять (подготовлять) для издания 2) редактор 3) собрать и подготовить, привести в порядок 4) соорудить, отремонтировать
  • 纂修的阿拉伯语:يجمع;
  • 纂修的印尼文:menyusun;
  • 纂修什么意思:  1.  整治。    ▶ 《国语‧周语上》: “纂修其绪。”    ▶ 《汉书‧公孙弘卜式等传赞》: “ 孝宣 承统, 纂修洪业。”    2.  编辑修撰。    ▶ 唐 刘禹锡 《唐故中书侍郎平章事韦公集纪》: “初 蕃 既纂修父书, 咨于先执 李习之 , 请...
纂修的英文翻译,纂修英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译纂修,纂修的英文意思,纂修的英文纂修 meaning in English纂修的英文纂修怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。