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  • crash landing
  • distressed landing
  • emergence landing
  • emergency landing
  • emergercy landing
  • "紧急"英文翻译    urgent; pressing; critical; ...
  • "着陆"英文翻译    landing; land; touch down
  • "飞行紧急着陆" 英文翻译 :    emergency landing (ditching)
  • "紧急着陆跑道" 英文翻译 :    emergency landing runway forced landing runway; emergency landing runway, forced landing runway
  • "紧急着陆设备" 英文翻译 :    crash equipment
  • "紧急着陆信号" 英文翻译 :    emergency landing signal
  • "紧急着陆救生事故" 英文翻译 :    emergency landing survival accident
  • "紧急着陆照明弹" 英文翻译 :    emergency landing flare
  • "紧急着陆人员幸存事故" 英文翻译 :    emergency landing survival accident
  • "应急着陆场" 英文翻译 :    emergency landing ground
  • "应急着陆程序" 英文翻译 :    emergency landing procdeure; emergency landing procedure
  • "应急着陆地带" 英文翻译 :    emergency landing strip
  • "急着要" 英文翻译 :    be bursting to do
  • "预防性紧急进场着陆程序" 英文翻译 :    precautionary emergency approach procedure
  • "着陆" 英文翻译 :    landing; land; touch down 可用着陆距离 landing distance available; 起飞着陆区 landing area; 软着陆 soft landing; 飞机在10分钟前着陆了。 the plane landed ten minutes ago.; 着陆舱 landing module; 着陆场 landing ground [area, field]; 着陆导航设备 approach aids; 着陆导航系统 landing navigation system; 着陆灯 approach light; landing light; 着陆地点 landing site
  • "急着赶车" 英文翻译 :    hurry off
  • "急着要出发" 英文翻译 :    be impatient to set out irritated
  • "我急着要" 英文翻译 :    i need it badly
  • "紧急" 英文翻译 :    urgent; pressing; critical; emergent; pressure; emergency; urgency 紧急关头 critical moment; 在非常紧急的时候 in extraordinary emergencies; 应付紧急事变 rise to the emergency; 发出紧急呼吁 issue an urgent appeal; 紧急约见某人 [外交] summon sb. (to the foreign ministry) for an urgent meeting; 情况紧急。 the situation is critical. 停电使交通运输陷入紧急状况。 a power failure created an emergency in traffic and transportation. 一旦发生紧急情况, 打电话给警察。 in case of urgency, call the police.; 紧急安全阀 pop safety valve; 紧急保险开关 emergency switch; 紧急避难 act of rescue; necessity; 紧急操作程序 emergency operating order; 紧急措施 emergency measures; 紧急倒车 crash reversal; 紧急电报 urgent telegram; 紧急定货 rush order; 紧急法案 emergency bills; 紧急法令 emergency act; 紧急反应 alarm reaction; 紧急费率 emergency rates; 紧急故障信号 abort light; 紧急关税 emergency tariff; 紧急会议 emergency meeting; emergency session; 紧急呼叫 urgent call; 紧急呼吁 urgent appeal; emergency call to; 紧急集合 emergency muster; 紧急进口税 emergency import duties; 紧急救济 urgent relief; 紧急开关 emergency switch; jettisonable gear; safety switch; 紧急空袭警报 emergency air-raid alarm; 紧急冷却 emergency cooling; 紧急起飞 [航空] scramble; 紧急情况 critical situation; emergency; emergentness; 紧急任务 urgent task; 紧急刹车 emergency brake; snub; 紧急释放按纽 emergency release push; 紧急手柄 emergency handle; 紧急调速器 emergency speed governor; 紧急停车 emergency cut-off; emergency stopping; 紧急停电 emergency power shut off; 紧急停机 emergency stop; 紧急委员会 emergency committee; 紧急信号 emergency signal; distress signal; 紧急修理 first-aid; rush repair job; 紧急援助 emergency aid; 紧急召开 urgent call for; 紧急制动 [铁路] brake hard; emergency braking; hard braking; big hole [俚语]; 紧急制动阀 emergency brake valve; 紧急制动器 accident brake; emergency brake; emergency contracting brake; 紧急制动旋塞 emergency stop cock; 紧急制动位置 emergency application position; 紧急装置 sentinel plant; 紧急状态 state of emergency; 紧急追捕 hot pursuit; 紧急着陆 emergency landing
  • "应急着水设备" 英文翻译 :    ditching equipment
  • "紧急事件;紧急" 英文翻译 :    emergency
  • "降落;着陆" 英文翻译 :    touch down
  • "离着陆" 英文翻译 :    ctol; stol; vtol
  • "软着陆" 英文翻译 :    soft landing◇软着陆飞行器 soft landing vehicle; 软着陆航天器 soft landing space-craft
  • "硬着陆" 英文翻译 :    [航空] hard landing


  • Emergency landing runway , forced landing runway
  • Can i make one emergency landing
  • Can i make one emergency landing
  • Cleared for emergency landing on the grass runway , by your pilot ' s own discretion
  • Nose wheel still appears to be jammed , we ' ll have to make an emergency landing on the grass runway
  • In recent months , two bomb threats forced aircraft to return to the ground in sri lanka
  • Please convey to the chinese people and to the family of pilot wang wei that we are very sorry for their loss . although the full picture of what transpired is still unclear , according to our information , our severely crippled aircraft made an emergency landing after following international emergency procedures . we are very sorry the entering of china s airspace and the landing did not have verbal clearance , but very pleased the crew landed safely


紧急着陆的英文翻译,紧急着陆英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译紧急着陆,紧急着陆的英文意思,緊急著陸的英文紧急着陆 meaning in English緊急著陸的英文紧急着陆怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。