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音标:[ pōmò ]  发音:  


  • [艺] splash-ink, a technique of chinese ink-painting


  • They pitched on the poor little boy as the now who split the ink
  • The design of mona lisa club combines the strengths of chinese and western cultures
  • " the splashing ink art exhibition of mr . ma chengkuan " was shown at the art museum of guangzhou during 12th october 2001 to 12th november 2001
    (一) “马承宽博士泼墨书画展”于2001年10月12日- - 11月12日在广州艺术博物院举行。
  • Attended the new york international art exhibition in march ; local artists spoke highly of xie ' s modern paintings and splash - ink renditions of dunhuang figures
  • There are over 10 children with different color of skins writing and drawing with him together , making the class overflowed with the classical reading atmosphere
  • We admire all the creative geniuses of the past , like t ang yin , the brilliant lin liang from kuangtung , the inventive monks of the late - ming shih - t ao , pa - ta shan - jen , hung jen and k un - ts an and the so - called eight eccentrics of yangchou who brought a new freshness into flower and bird compositions as well as landscapes . we are inspired by the southern sung master liang k ai s spattered ink , p o - mo figures , with that wonderful spontaneity
  • We admire all the creative geniuses of the past , like t ang yin , the brilliant lin liang from kuangtung , the inventive monks of the late - ming ( shih - t ao , pa - ta shan - jen , hung jen and k un - ts an ) and the so - called eight eccentrics of yangchou who brought a new freshness into flower and bird compositions as well as landscapes . we are inspired by the southern sung master liang k ai s spattered ink , p o - mo figures , with that wonderful spontaneity


  • 泼墨的泰文
  • 泼墨的日语:はつ墨[はつぼく].山水画法の一つ.▼筆にたっぷり墨をつけて,はね散らすようにしてかく方法.
  • 泼墨的韩语:[명사]〈미술〉 발묵. [산수화 기법 중의 하나]
  • 泼墨的俄语:pinyin:pōmò жив. 1) брызгать тушь; монохромная живопись брызгами (мазками) 2) пятно (тушью) для изображения сплошного ливня
  • 泼墨什么意思:pōmò 国画的一种画法,用笔蘸墨汁大片地洒在纸上或绢上,画出物体形象,像把墨汁泼上去一样:~山水。


泼墨的英文翻译,泼墨英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译泼墨,泼墨的英文意思,潑墨的英文泼墨 meaning in English潑墨的英文泼墨怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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