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  • probabilistic reasoning


  • Application of bayesian network and its probability reasoning to intelligent tutoring system
  • For cases that are hard to find evidences , we often use fuzzy inference , probability reasoning and instinctive reasoning to demonstrate the facts of the case
  • In 1991 , he introduced the concept of soft computing , the principal constituents of which are fuzzy logic , neural network theory and probabilistic reasoning
  • While , study the scheduling bayesian network to model software project scheduling risk . the modeling method , related calculation and probability inference algorithm are presented
  • In the paper , the models of uncertain reasoning are focused , such as the reasoning model of bayes probability , reliability theory , d - s evidence theory and neural network
  • In factual world , the uncertainty is very rich . in expert system , usually probability is defined as subjective credit degree of experts to evidence and regulation , and bayes theorem is key solution in probability reasoning
  • In the probability model , we provide the case of client evaluation in the bank credit and utilize the some kinds of probabilities from statistics analysis and field experts to reasoning and information fusion
  • The two - stage modeling method takes into account the characteristics of software project risk management and software metrics data , integrates qualitative knowledge and quantitative data . to study the software project iterative process risk ’ s bayesian network model , the definition of cyclic bayesian network is presented , probability convergence property of directed cycle in cyclic bayesian network is proved and probability inference method is put forward
  • At last , this thesis figures out an event - based method of air threat assessment through the definitions of the events , the modeling accompanied with xml description of the model , the introduction of the functional architecture model of event correlation , the type of event correlation and the expressions of the theory of this technique , the event deleting and contracting on the data facet , the correlation between the events in causality by bayesian network and the probability reasoning , exemplifying and calculating of bayesian network employed in the construction of threat assessment model of air battle
  • ( 5 ) a series of design methods of classifiers are proposed , including the classifier based on the generalized inverse and the probabilistic reasoning method ( prm ) , a new self - adaptive kohonen clustering network which overcomes the shortcomings of the conventional clustering algorithms , and the fuzzy neural classifier . the experimental study efface recognition is presented based on the combination of multi - feature multi - classifier . ( 6 ) this paper proposes a hybrid feature extraction method for face recognition , which is a combination of the eigen matrix , fisher discriminant analysis , and the generalized optimal set of discriminant vectors
    ( 5 )对图象分类器设计方法进行研究,主要包括:提出了一种基于广义逆和概率推理的分类器设计方法;提出了一种新的自适应模糊聚类算法;提出了基于模糊神经网络的分类器设计方法;并对多特征多分类器组合方法在人脸识别中进行实验研究; ( 6 )提出了一种只要一个训练样本就能解决人脸识别问题的新方法,该方法结合了特征矩阵、 fisher最优鉴别分析和广义最优鉴别分析方法的优点。
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