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音标:[ yìrì ]  发音:  


  • [书面语]
    1.(以后的日子) some other day
    2.(往日) former days


  • The desolate scene in the former days has all gone
  • The next time the fox met the lion , he was not much so afraid , but he said to himself , “ i wish he would not make such a noise
  • According to the general situations of shanghai economy , i believe that the centripetal force of the construction of business office districts will gain momentum , that there will be a sharp demand of top business buildings in top business office districts , that the different requirements of office spaces in cbd will become ever more apparent . the last chapter offers several way - outs for the development of business office districts in shanghai , based upon the above analysis
    其次,根据上海市经济发展前景、上海市城市发展目标、城市空间布局发展规划以及影响商务办公区发展的因子,认为上海商务办公集聚将不断加强,高级别商务办公区中的高档商务办公楼需求旺盛, cbd办公空间分异日趋明显,上海城市的发展目标和城市规划决定了五种办公潜力空间的存在。


  • 异日的泰文
  • 异日的日语:〈書〉 (1)他日.後日. 待诸 dài zhū 异日/他日に譲る. (2)(=往日 wǎngrì )以前.(過去の)ある日.
  • 异日的韩语:[명사]【문어】 이일. (1)장래. 후일(後日). 待诸异日; 다른 날을 기다리다 (2)이미 지나간 날. 이전(以前). 왕일(往日).
  • 异日的俄语:pinyin:yìrì 1) другой день; другие дни, иные времена; не сегодня; не теперь; в другое время; на другой день; в другие дни; позднее; в будущем 2) прошлые дни; ранее; в прошлом
  • 异日什么意思:yìrì 〈书〉 ①将来;日后:委之~│留待~再决。 ②从前;往日:谈笑一如~。
异日的英文翻译,异日英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译异日,异日的英文意思,異日的英文异日 meaning in English異日的英文异日怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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