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音标:[ xuāntiān ]  发音:  


  • make a deafening sound


  • Is well decorated with colorful flags and a strong sense of festival can be felt everywhere
  • Move to the beat set a chinese rhythm for the evening with a troupe of acrobatic kung - fu drummers pounding the night away
  • Throughout the festival , visitors inquired about meditation , vegetarianism and the convenient method , and some said they were familiar with masters teachings through the supreme master ching hai international associations radio and tv programs broadcast in the local area
  • The initiation began as usual , except that a live basketball game accompanied by music was taking place simultaneously at a sports field across from the center . but the initiation continued and the attendees did not seem to mind the noise , as they were paying serious attention to the quan yin messenger s explanations and instructions


  • 喧天的日语:こえがおおきくてうるさい 声 が大 きくてうるさい
  • 喧天的韩语:[형용사] (하늘을 진동할 정도로) 시끄럽다. 소란하다. 요란스럽다.
  • 喧天的俄语:pinyin:xuāntiān оглушать небо (и сотрясать землю) (обр. в знач.: потрясающий, поразительный)
  • 喧天什么意思:形容声音很大, 响彻天空。    ▶ 唐 张乔 《送许棠及第归宣州》诗: “宴别喧天乐, 家归碍日岑。”    ▶ 宋 柳永 《迎新春》词: “十里然绛树, 鳌山耸, 喧天箫鼓。”    ▶ 孙犁 《秀露集‧戏的梦》: “整个戏锣鼓喧天, 枪炮齐鸣, 人出人进, 乱乱轰轰。”
喧天的英文翻译,喧天英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译喧天,喧天的英文意思,喧天的英文喧天 meaning in English喧天的英文喧天怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。