mutter and mumble; falter out a few words; forbear from making a full explanation, complete disclosure or free expression of one's mind; hem and haw; hesitate in speech [speaking]; mince one's words; speak a word and swallow the next word; speak falteringly; speak in a halting way; speak with great reserve; speak with timorous caution; stumble over one's words; talk in ambiguous term; tell falteringly; tick over; trying to hide sth. while speaking
吞吐 1.(大量进出) swallow and spit; take in and send out in large quantities 这个港口每年可吞吐五千万吨货物。 this port can handle up to 50,000,000 tons of cargo every year.2.(含混不清) hem and haw; mince one's words 吞吐其辞 hum and haw one's words; 吞吐量 handling capacity; volume of freight handled; cargo- handling capacity; loading and unloading capacity; volume of incoming and outcoming freights; [计算机] throughput; thruput; 吞吐量(又称“总处理能力”) throughput capacity; throughput; 吞吐量/小时 (又称“总处理量/小时”) throughput per hour
吞吐量 cargo-handling capacity; loading and unloading capacity; through put; throughput capacity; thruput; thuoughput; transaction capacity; volume of freight handled; volume of incoming and outcoming freights; volume of incoming and outgoing freights