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音标:[ yǐlǎomàilǎo ]  发音:  


  • pride oneself on being a veteran; advantage of one's seniority; capitalize on being advanced in age; come the old soldier over; flaunt one's seniority; get self-conceited because of seniority; look down upon others by presuming on one's advanced age; presume on old age (to despise others); self-importance of the aged; take advantage of one's old age to ...; take advantage of one's seniority or old age.: 他总是倚老卖老, 把他的想法强加于人。presuming on his seniority, he always imposes his ideas on [upon] others


  • Presuming on his seniority , he always imposes his ideas on others .
  • Presuming on his seniority , he always imposes his ideas upon others .
  • Presuming on his seniority , he always imposes his ideas upon others
  • Do not overdo your privilege of reproving or castigating me


  • 倚老卖老的泰文
  • 倚老卖老的法语:se prévaloir de son grand âge(ou : de son ancienneté)pour mépriser les gens
  • 倚老卖老的日语:〈成〉年寄り風を吹かせる.ベテランであることを鼻にかける.
  • 倚老卖老的韩语:【성어】 늙은 티를 내며 거만하게 행세하다. 나이를 내세워 뻣뻣하게 굴다. 此人倚老卖老, 不通时务; 이 사람은 늙은 티만 내면서 세상사에는 캄캄하다 =[依老卖老] [以老卖老] →[老吃老做] [老气横秋(1)]
  • 倚老卖老的俄语:pinyin:yǐlǎomàilǎo спекулировать на своём возрасте (на своей старости, на своём старшинстве)
  • 倚老卖老什么意思:yǐ lǎo mài lǎo 【解释】仗着岁数大,摆老资格。 【拼音码】ylml 【灯谜面】寿星老儿插草标儿张果老售寿星 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义 【英文】take advantage of one's seniority
倚老卖老的英文翻译,倚老卖老英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译倚老卖老,倚老卖老的英文意思,倚老賣老的英文倚老卖老 meaning in English倚老賣老的英文倚老卖老怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。