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  • interconnected network


  • A research on voltage stability evaluation criteria for interconnected power grid in china
  • In chapter 1 , the heat problems and the background of this thesis are summarized , as well as the development of this subject in china and foreign countries . the foundation theory of agc is introduced in chapter 2
  • The hardware and software technique about agc is presented . at last , several optimal control methods used in agc is compared . in chapter 3 , this paper compares the two types of agc control performance standard released by north american electric reliability council ( nerc )
  • This new effective control method makes agc system in the big area power grid reach cps / dcs standards . the mathematic model of the electricity market of agc is proposed in chapter 4 . this paper developed a framework for new market structure to understand agc implementation in the price - based operation
  • These is as follows : study of agc control strategy in interconnected power system ; study of distributed regulated control about agc ; the implementation about the control mode of tbc ; the new technique application in agc ; the production of the coordination automatic system ( scada / agc / ems / dts / dms / tms )
    主要表现在4个方面:大区互联电网agc控制策略、方法和考核标准的研究, agc分层分级控制与协调, tbc控制模式的实际应用;电力市场agc辅助服务定价和运营规则研究;调度自动化系统(包括scada agc ems dts dms tms )的开发与实施;新技术在agc中的应用。
  • In order to facilitate the overall simulation of power system , effectively strengthen the stability and security , to avoid large - scale power system failure , it is necessary to help the planners and dispatchers to manage the operation and control of power system with the state - of - art high performance computing that is suitable for power system application
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