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  • iwf interworking function


  • Secondly , the system is implemented in dynamic analyzing and forming on - line the data report on equipments state parameters and rolling process
    2 )实现具有网络互联功能的分布式测试系统体系结构,开放性强。
  • Its computer supervisory control system is composed of h9000 system and is a new generation distribution open supervisory system , with good reliability , expansibility , plantability and strong net connection function , which provides strong guarantee for the unattended operation of the power station
    北溪水电站计算机监控系统由h9000系统集成和二次开发而成,是新一代分布开放式水电站监控系统,具有良好的可靠性、可扩充性和可移植性和强大的异机网络互联功能,为电站实现“无人值班(少人值守) ”的目标提供了有力的保障。
  • Firstly the remote monitor system of the intelligent residence based on telephone network designed in the past was developed , it offered suitable software and hardware terms for realizing the remote monitor system based on internet ; secondly , a web server was designed for the intelligent residence ' s monitor center , and the environment of the network suitable for remote monitor was constructed . thirdly , a kind of gateway interface was designed which connects pstn with internet , and moved the remote monitor system of the intelligent residence based on internet to the system based on telephone network directly
  • First expounding the basic principle of data transmission of gsm network from the model of operation join of gsm , the composing of wireless channel , data format and so on ; second introducing the communication principle of gsm and pstn , and the . function of iwf module , besides expounds the principle of data transmission through illustration
互联功能的英文翻译,互联功能英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译互联功能,互联功能的英文意思,互聯功能的英文互联功能 meaning in English互聯功能的英文互联功能怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。