- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 严苛的法律 stringent laws
- 严苛的主人 a masterr
- 严苛 rigor
- 别对我这麽严苛 cut me some slack
- 用残酷的高压手段, 非常严苛地 with a whip of scorpions
- 生活教我们不要对任何人太严苛,包括你自己 life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others
- 严凯琳 kathreen yan
- 严克拉姆 reinhard von lohengramm
- 严竣环境 harsh environment
- 严克强 yan keqiang
- 严竣 difficult; severe; stern; tight.strict
- 严酷 1.(严厉; 严格) harsh; bitter; severe; grim 严酷的现实 harsh reality; 严酷的教训 a bitter lesson; 严酷的斗争 a grim struggle2.(残酷; 冷酷) cruel; ruthless:严酷的剥削 cruel exploitation
- 严俊杰 jun-jie yan
- She regretted the rigidity of her upbringing .
她不喜欢严苛的家教。 - He was subjected to the rod in all its rigors in this school
他在这所学校里遭受了严苛的拷打。 - Feminism has changed and grown with time and critical examination
历经时间的磨练,通过严苛的考验,女权主义已然成长、变化。 - No doubt mr murdoch ' s tougher management will squeeze out some cost savings
毫无疑问,默多克先生严苛的管理会节省一些成本。 - Every product sold has passed the international standard and gained highly comment
每一件销售至客户手上的产品都能通过那些严苛的国际标准检验。 - This rigorous testing and careful introduction of the machines were central to the state ' s success
这次严苛的测试和谨慎导入机器,就是该州成功的主要原因。 - They undergo intense training , learning to put fear into their opponents before they strike
他们受到严苛的训练,学习如何在攻击之前就将恐惧带给他们的对手。 - Even though they may never tell you , students who function at this level do not appreciate assertive discipline
即使或许他们从未告诉过你:此阶段的学生不喜欢严苛的纪律。 - The aspirant must possess and study all three before he or she can safely attempt to train in this demanding art
在尝试练习这门严苛的武艺之前,修习者必须获取并研习全部三卷心法。 - From raw material to end product , the most rigid quality control system is adopted throughout the manufacturing process