不怀好意 harbour evil designs; harbour malicious intentions; be after [up to] no good; have no good purpose in one's breast; ill-intentioned; not with the best of intentions
He was, perhaps, but at treacherous play with her . 也许他现在是不怀好意地拿她开心。
He sized me up viciously . 他不怀好意地打量我。
All gun-ports were open and the muzzles peeped wickedly from them . 所有的炮眼都开着,炮口不怀好意地从炮眼里向外窥探。
Go away ; i don ' t enjoy being leered at 走开,我讨厌让人不怀好意地看著
He asked , with a kit of leer 他问道,不怀好意地眨了眨眼睛。
All gun - ports were open and the muzzles peeped wickedly from them 所有的炮眼都开著,炮口不怀好意地从炮眼里向外窥探。
Mr smith took his place at the head of the table with a malevolent look at his cousin who sat on his right 史密斯先生在餐桌上首就坐,不怀好意地看了一下坐在他右边的表兄。
" oh , it isn t her trial trip , " muttered daguenet wickedly . " perhaps she knows as much about it as he does . 达盖内不怀好意地低声说道, “这对她来说,已经不是第一次尝试了,说不定她知道的不比他少。 ”
If you have not married , your situation may be better , for you can fix your eyes with any purpose into those beautiful girls on the street you have that kind of rights 如果你还没有结婚的话,你的日子会好过一些,因为你可以不怀好意地盯着路上的美女看个够。
He always remembered with fear and trembling , that that terrible woman had knitted when he talked with her , and had looked ominously at him as her fingers moved 他一想起那可怕的女人心里便发毛,那女人跟他谈话时老打毛线,老是一边动手指,一边不怀好意地望着他。