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  • ttl电平    它完成将TTL电平转换为RS-485电平的功能。 TTL电平的逻辑“1”和“0”则分别为2.4V和0.4V。 输出形式:SPI同步串行输出,与TTL电平兼容。 、EIA与TTL电平转换器以及地址译码电路组成。 按要求,有并口,TTL电平口,485,232,CAN,USB等接口。 l提供2路AV及一路S端子输入,1路TTL电平数字量I/O。 目前主要提供的,是供5VTTL电平...
  • advanced schottky ttl    A faster logic family called "'FAST "'( Fairchild Advanced Schottky TTL ) ( Schottky ) ( F ) was also introduced that was faster than normal Schottky TTL.
  • as ttl    The exposure meter is a TTL open aperture centre-weighted type. It implemented a TTL bus to which memory array modules were connected. To limit the impact of DNS poisoning typically a TTL ...
  • differential ttl    Differential TTL is used in preference to single-ended TTL for long-distance signaling. A second advantage of differential TTL, when correctly terminated, is that the differential pair of ...
  • schottky ttl    The Schottky TTL logic families ( such as S and LS ) use Schottky transistors in critical places. A low-voltage diode arranged to prevent saturation of the transistor was applied to integr...
  • ttl    TTL chips are now also made in surface-mount packages. TTL inputs are the emitters of a multiple-emitter transistor. Standard TTL circuits operate with a 5-volt power supply. TTL was a pri...
  • ttl circuit    Standard TTL circuits operate with a 5-volt power supply. Several variations of the original TTL circuit design were developed. For that reason, pull-up resistors are preferred in TTL circ...
  • ttl compatible    Both signals are TTL compatible, meaning the low state is 0 V and the high state is about + 5 V. The 8080 required two support chips to function in most applications, the i8224 clock gener...
  • ttl exposure meter    Its TTL exposure meter requires batteries, but batteries are not otherwise needed.
  • ttl flash    Meter modes were selective and integrated ( centre weighted ) including TTL flash exposure. When used with these flash units, the camera calculates a guide number to control TTL flash mete...
  • ttl flash metering    When used with these flash units, the camera calculates a guide number to control TTL flash metering. Therefore, digital SLR cameras typically don't support any real-time TTL flash meterin...
  • ttl gate    The wired AND function below is achieved by using open collector TTL gates. The maximum value of this input current is about 1.6 mA for a standard TTL gate. Since the transistors of a stan...
  • ttl level    You need four analog muxes ( i . e . TTL level transistors ) that can pass-10 to + 10 volts. The receivers reduce TIA-232 inputs, which may be as high as ?5 volts, to standard 5 volt TTL l...
  • ttl logic    The increased low output level can cause troubles when TTL logic circuits are driven. Storage time accounts for a significant portion of the propagation delay in the original TTL logic fam...
  • ttl meter    The TTL meter was fairly accurate and took decent shots. But the biggest innovation was the fully automatic shutter operation coupled to the TTL meter. In 1968, Leitz responded to the crit...
  • ttl metering    These are mechanical cameras without TTL metering or automatic exposure. TTL metering systems have been incorporated into other types of cameras as well. Consequently, these light sensors ...
  • ttl technology    A newer and slightly improved model using the TTL technology instead of toroid cores logic was developed in the late 1970s and named the "'TgS-3 DUDEK " '.
  • ttl电路    TTL电路形式发展较早,工艺比较成熟。 TTL电路为7V;4000系列CMOS电路为18V。 故需使用电平转换电路方能与TTL电路连接。 74HC595是硅结构的CMOS器件,兼容低电压TTL电路,遵守JEDEC标准。 1)TTL电路是电流控制器件,而CMOS电路是电压控制器件。 DAC0832逻辑输入满足TTL电平,可直接与TTL电路或微机电路连接。 干扰及TTL电路休眠...
  • ttl值    当TTL值为0时,就丢弃这个数据报。 不同的操作系统,它的TTL值是不相同的。 除了减小TTL值之外,封装节点不改变内层的IP头标。 若数据报在路由器消耗的时间小于1秒,就把TTL值减1。 用户可以修改TTL值,让实体的存活时间比现在更长一些。 一些防火墙可以阻止TTL值小于设定值的数据包进入防火墙。 、TTL值、来源的网域名称或网段...等属性来进行过滤。 当报文的TTL...
  • ttl测光    ttl测光时,实际的工作孔径是在胶片平面上测出的。 但是,如果使用专用闪光灯和与之配套的ae照相机(即自动曝光照相机),我们就可以选择任一孔径而让ttl测光系统控制闪光的持续时间。
  • ttl接口    TTL接口的定义,分类以及输出信号的介绍。 由于基色RGB数据为18bit,因此,也称18位或18bitTTL接口。 IRIG-B(DC)码的接口通常采用TTL接口和RS422(V.11)接口。 在实际应用中,TTL接口电路多用来驱动小尺寸(15in以下)或低分辨率的液晶面板。 控制的设备内部的数据传输是在高速下进行的,而TTL接口的操作恰能满足这个要求。 另外LVDS也无...
  • ttl自动对焦    对焦方式:11/7区TTL自动对焦,AF工作环境:-1至+19EV。 采用TTL自动对焦(多点AF,中心AF,面部检测AF)的对焦方式。 因为这种方式是通过镜头成像实现的,故称为TTL自动对焦。 焦距折合35mm相机为35-105mm,镜头光圈为F2.8-F5.1,该机拥有TTL自动对焦。 1981年:世界第一个创下单镜反射式相机累积升产量达1,000万台的纪录;于东京新宿...
  • ttl闪光    目前的TTL闪光测光系统的精确度如何? 闪光控制1)TTL:由420像素的RGB感应器进行TTL闪光控制。 1987年:领先世界发表内建TTL闪光灯的自动对焦单镜反射式相机“PENTAX SFX”。 内置闪光灯,闪光指数约12(ISO 100,m.,20°C),支持尼康i-TTL闪光操控。 闪光模式:1005像素RGB传感器TTL闪光控制内闪;i-TTL平衡填充闪光或标准i...
  • ttl基数    对于一个没有经过任何网关和路由的网络,直接ping对方系统得到的TTL值,被叫做“TTL基数”。
  • 三电平型    三电平型变频器采用钳位电路,解决了两只功率器件的串联的问题,并使相电压输出具有三个电平。

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