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  • spee曲线    spee曲线是连接下颌切牙的切缘、尖牙的牙尖、前磨牙的颊尖以及磨牙的近远中颊尖的连线,该线从前向后是一条凹向上的曲线。
  • admiral graf spee    He received command of the " Admiral Graf Spee " in October 1938. There are a few files relating to the " Admiral Graf Spee ". The " Admiral Graf Spee " used this unit successfully against...
  • admiral von spee    Some 2, 200 men were killed, among them Admiral von Spee. The German cruisers " Scharnhorst " and " Gneisenau " hastened to Samoa after Admiral von Spee learned of the occupation. Warships...
  • curve of spee    If curve of spee is deep then it may be difficult to create a straight occlusal plane 4. The Curve of Spee is basically a part of a circle ( 8-inch diameter ) which has its circumference a...
  • friedrich spee    A Jesuit, Friedrich Spee, was more radically converted by his experience as a confessor of witches in the great persecution at W黵zburg. Like " Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones ", Draper's text...
  • friedrich von spee    Jesuit Friedrich von Spee, historical author of a treatise against using torture in witchcraft trials, is asked by the prince-bishop of Mainz to observe.
  • german pocket battleship admiral graf spee    The Battle of the River Plate ", playing the German freighter " Tacoma ", which took the crew off German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee before she was scuttled off Montevideo. At the ...
  • graf maximilian von spee    As a bunker, she coaled the South Atlantic fleet that defeated Admiral Graf Maximilian von Spee's fleet in the First World War Battle of the Falkland Islands. His ships were generally unsu...
  • graf spee    There are a few files relating to the " Admiral Graf Spee ". "Admiral Graf Spee " was MAN 9-cylinder double-acting two-stroke diesel engines. Langsdorff nos dijo que el Graf Spee deberia a...
  • maximilian graf von spee    After defending the Canal in early 1915 from Dardanelles Campaign bombarding Ottoman fortifications . " Triumph " participated in the hunt for the German East Asia Squadron of Maximilian G...
  • maximilian von spee    They served as the core of Vice Admiral Maximilian von Spee's fleet. Late in 1914 the islands were the rendezvous for Admiral Maximilian von Spee's a brief battle with British cruisers. "N...
  • pursuit of the graf spee    One of SSI's later games, " Pursuit of the Graf Spee ", uses an altered version of " Computer Bismarck " s core system. :: Translation for American readers : " River Plate " = Rio de la Pl...
  • spee    After the battle, Spee took his ships north to Valparaiso. The auxiliary cruiser joined Spee's ships there as well. Admiral Spee and his two sons were among the German dead. Or _ was it th...
  • spee club    The Spee Club was founded in 1852 as a chapter of the Zeta Psi fraternity. Graduating from Harvard College where he majored in American history, Max was a member of the Spee Club of Harvar...
  • von spee    Von Spee ordered his ships be stripped for war. Some 2, 200 men were killed, among them Admiral von Spee. They served as the core of Vice Admiral Maximilian von Spee's fleet. Among the dea...
  • ade曲线    ADE曲线也和代数曲线的简单奇点之间存在着一一对应。
  • bezier曲线    用de Casteljau算法计算沿着Bezier曲线的一系列点。 下面以画一条Bezier曲线为例,详细介绍VC++上OpenGL编程的方法。 GFig插件支持一些矢量图形特性如渐变填充,Bezier曲线和曲线勾画。 Bezier曲线使得设计人员在计算机上使用起来,就像他使用常规设计和作图工具一样得心应手。 他积极参与数学教育的科研工作,发表专业论文“关地空...
  • bp曲线    用图形表示BP曲线的推导过程如图3所示。 balance of payments,那么BP曲线中的B和P就分别代表balance和payments。 概括而言,BP曲线的斜率应处于0与无穷大之间。 (3)国际收支平衡的BP曲线的形状存在两种极端情况。 所以BP曲线就可与代表内部均衡的曲线YFE有相交的点,即图2中的T点。 在BP曲线的右方是国际收支逆差,在BP曲线的左方则是...
  • cct曲线    要想获得合理的轧制和冷却工艺,要先做出再结晶曲线和CCT曲线才行。 本书介绍了金属材料相变的基础知识、连续冷却转变曲线(CCT曲线)的测定方法、绘制步骤、绘制CCT曲线应注意的问题、CCT曲线实例等。 本书详细介绍了钢铁材料CCT曲线的测定方法和绘制步骤,同时,书中提供了大量的作者绘制好的CCT曲线和相应的金属相图,可为读者制定金属加工工艺和热处理工艺提供指导。 SYSWE...
  • c曲线    过冷奥氏体等温转变的规律可以用C曲线来表示出来。 因其形状通常像英文字母“C”,故俗称其为C曲线,亦称为TTT图。 ?允收抽样通常以作业特性曲线(O.C曲线)来分辨好批与坏批的能力。 (Operating Characteristic Curve)所谓O.C曲线系指在各种不良率的制品批,于一抽样计划下,能被允收的机率。 的形核率就越低,转变的孕育期增长,C曲线右移,临界冷却...
  • dna分子量的标准曲线    以核苷酸数的常用对数为纵坐标,以迁移距离为横坐标,在坐标纸上绘出连结各点的平滑曲线,即为该电泳条件下DNA分子量的标准曲线。
  • ipr曲线    IPR曲线:表示产量与流压关系的曲线称为流入动态曲线(Inflow Performance Reclationship Curve)简称IPR曲线,又称指示曲线(Index Curve)。 根据油气层渗流力学的基本理论可知,IPR曲线的基本形状与油藏驱动类型、完井方式、油藏及流体物性有关。 就单井而言,IPR曲线石油气层工作特性的综合反映,因此它既是确定油气井合理工作方式的...
  • islm曲线    ISLM曲线是宏观经济学中IS-LM模型的图像反映。
  • is曲线    的另一种关系,形成IS曲线。 IS曲线和LM曲线同时移动对市场均衡的影响。 当LM曲线不变时,IS曲线右移动,收入增加,利率提高。 IS曲线不变时,LM曲线向右移动,收入增加,利率下降。 IS曲线的移动源于需求的变动,特别是投资需求的改变。 政府可采取紧缩性财政政策和货币政策,推动IS曲线或LM曲线向右移动。 它假设可以依靠价格的伸缩性来保证内部均衡即IS曲线和LM曲线相交...
  • j型曲线    据此他提出了剂量效应关系的J型和倒J型曲线。 临时心房起搏导联有一个预塑的J型曲线,使导联附着在右心房。 J型曲线效应:由于“时滞”,空隙缩小,本币贬值促进出口的效应要到中期才能反映出来。 形成J型曲线的原因:①对汇率波动作出反应的时滞;②决策过程引起的时滞;③货物发运的时滞;④补充存货的时滞;⑤生产过程的时滞;⑥以本币计值导致的收汇减少。

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