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  • pp料    PP料是一种半结晶的热塑性塑料。 4.PP料的只能做玩具头盔,安全性很差。 PP料加工时不需干燥,PP的收缩率和结晶度比PE低。 产品加工原料材料和大部分普通塑料托盘相同(PP料或PE料)。 涂装新工艺攻关获公司一等奖,PP料涂装工艺获公司二等奖。 用来制造CD/DVD内页、PP无纺布CD/DVD套内内页、PP料内页,光碟内页、PP相册等。 2、做刷子、扫把等产品用的刷毛,...
  • pp-r料    PP-R料是目前综合性能最好的管材材料之一。 据反映,目前国产PP-R料与进口料比较还有一定差距,质量有待改进和提高。 PP-R料即三型聚丙烯树脂,它以无规共聚聚丙烯为基料,通过先进的气相共聚工艺,即将PE在PP的分子链中随机、均匀地进行聚合而制成。 随着上海塑料建材厂首家引进国外先进技术,采用进口PP-R料生产的输送冷、热水用的管材得到市场认可后,目前已有不少厂家建设PP...
  • 1994 pp    However, Lapidge ( 1994 pp 110 15, ) attributes this to Abbot Boniface. The discrepancy model for the diagnosis of dyslexia ( Bond, Tinker, & Wasson, 1994 pp 42-45 ) is rooted in the work...
  • a pp    A PP may inherit requirements from one or more other PPs. In Congress he has served as PP spokesman on Information Technologies. Spain's financial markets have already been discounting a P...
  • conductive pp    In addition , the electrical and thermal conductive pp / graphite composites prepared by s3c technology keep pretty good mechanical properties . this research develops the intercalation te...
  • new pp    The gains could be checked after June, when a new PP government begins to put together a 1997 budget. He was a close supporter of Jos?Mar韆 Aznar, who was voted as the new PP leader on 4 Se...
  • polypropylene pp    In recent years, collectors of vintage toy soldiers made of polythene PE and polypropylene PP thermoplastics as well as ABS plastic blends have reported brittling and disintegration of col...
  • polypropylene(pp)    The research on the polypropylene ( pp ) modified with nano - sized sio2 has been attended extensively In this study , the methods of decomposing polyethylene ( pe ) and polypropylene ( pp...
  • pp    Jose Maria Aznar, the PP leader, shares that view. The PP is now struggling to cobble together a working government. Pp . 12-13; 19-30; 31. Houghton Mifflin, 271 pp ., $ 22.95. Knopf, 384 ...
  • pp球    《PP球》新官方网站正式改版上线。 《PP球》正式开启官方服务器进行公测。 《PP球》内测正式启动,8月25日开放性内测开始。 《PP球》是首款躲避球竞技的休闲类网络游戏。 游戏蜗牛强势参展第四届China joy,并于28日下午14点在展会现场举行了“游戏蜗牛区域运营战略启动暨《机甲世纪》、《PP球》产品发布会”。 作为游戏蜗牛介入休闲类网络游戏的首款产品,《PP球》融合...
  • pp焊    这时候人们就需要使用PP焊。 PP焊接土工格栅幅宽可达2-6.5米等卷长可达50米(也可按用户需求生产)。 PP焊接土工格栅具有高强度,低延伸(破断伸长不大于12%)的性能,同时其蠕变量很小。 PP焊的操作十分简单,只需几根PP焊条,使用PP焊枪进行加热,焊条稍溶,就能把两个部分焊接在一起。 PP焊接土工格栅有较好的柔韧性,由于材质通过强力拉伸和横向肋带双面夹不断,即使开裂...
  • pp焊接土工格栅    PP焊接土工格栅幅宽可达2-6.5米等卷长可达50米(也可按用户需求生产)。 PP焊接土工格栅具有高强度,低延伸(破断伸长不大于12%)的性能,同时其蠕变量很小。 PP焊接土工格栅有较好的柔韧性,由于材质通过强力拉伸和横向肋带双面夹不断,即使开裂,也仍保持土工格栅的性能。 PP焊接土工格栅的肋带系高分子塑料经挤出拉伸成型,具有很高的抗拉强度.其纵横向肋带的交接点以高频超声波...
  • pp树脂    4.1200-4000 EC型适用于ABS和PP树脂。 优质全新食品级PP树脂制成,无毒无异味,耐高温。 目前国内透明PP专用料与国外差距较大,透明PP树脂及其制品的生产、应用仍有待加强。 然而应用主要是编织产品和农用薄膜,PP树脂行业面临消费结构单一,需求不旺且产品档次低的问题。 聚丙稀(PP)挤出板材是PP树脂添加入各种功能助剂经挤出、压光、冷却、切割等工艺过程而制成的...
  • pp 7312    Essentially, the PP 7312 : 2002 is a collection of extracts from various British Standards currently used in structural design.
  • pp arnold    Meanwhile, many singles were published such as " Everything is gonna be alright ", a cover by PP Arnold. She was backed by Bellowhead in a bill that also included Marc Almond, Jim Moray, D...
  • pp capacitor    The precise negative temperature characteristics of polypropylene make PP capacitors useful to compensate for temperature-induced changes in other components. Because of their high pulse s...
  • pp carinae    PP Carinae is a B-type main sequence star with a stellar classification of B4 Vne. "' PP Carinae "'is the variable star designation for a star in the southern constellation of Carina. In S...
  • pp cell    :: Going to Islets of Langerhans is more useful-it tells you PP cells are gamma cells, which secrete pancreatic polypeptide. Additionally endocrine progenitor cells also form Nkx2.2 + PP c...
  • pp chain    The vast majority of neutrinos are produced through the pp chain, a process in which four protons are combined to produce two protons, two neutrons, two positrons, and two electron neutrin...
  • pp duvay    The band currently features Merle Allin, Sachs, guitarist Benjamin " FC Murder " Bunny ( formerly known as " Sonny Harlan " ), and new singer PP Duvay.
  • pp fiber    In the areas susceptible to earthquake, i . e ., California, PP fibers are added with soils to improve the soils strength and damping when constructing the foundation of structures such as...
  • pp film    The dissipation factor of PP film capacitors is smaller than that of other film capacitors. Most of the former PC capacitor applications have found satisfactory substitutes with PP film ca...
  • pp film capacitor    The dissipation factor of PP film capacitors is smaller than that of other film capacitors. Most of the former PC capacitor applications have found satisfactory substitutes with PP film ca...
  • pp format    :1 ) Do an Internet search to find the piece in a supported PP format :, then download it and import it into the PP presentation.
  • pp jailbreak    Another all-caps username, same obsession with PP Jailbreak. The tools in the PP Jailbreak application help users bypass device restrictions in order to obtain App Store for iOS. Although ...

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