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  • e-6a飞机    1987年2月,首批15架E-6A飞机正式交付美军使用。 E-6A飞机在续航时间、速度和高度等方面都大大优于EC-130飞机。 1977年,美军选用了具有先进的抗核爆炸所产生强电磁脉冲干扰机体结构的波音E-6A飞机以更新EC-130飞机。
  • 2013 arkansas high school 6a boys soccer season    The "'2013 Arkansas High School 6A Boys Soccer Season "'was part of the 16th high school soccer season in the state of Arkansas.
  • 6a    In Unit 6A, 5, 797 applied for 44 permits. Two VC-6A aircraft were operated by the US military. Under section 6A of the RCA an Official Visitor is appointed. The football team won the clas...
  • 6a标准    电冰箱6A标准:6A标准是指冰箱6项核心指标全部达到行业最高的A级标准。
  • 6a近视整体自然疗法    6A近视整体自然疗法的提出,打破了真性近视不能治的神话,无疑会对近视的康复起到积极的作用。
  • auster 6a tugmaster    The "'Auster 6A Tugmaster "'was a glider tug converted from surplus former military Auster AOP . 6s.
  • cat 6a    This amendment defines new specifications for Cat 6A components and Class E A permanent links. In broad terms, the ISO standard for Cat 6A is the highest, followed by the European standard...
  • category 6a    Category 6A performs at improved specifications, in particular in the area of alien crosstalk as compared to Cat 6 UTP ( unshielded twisted pair ), which exhibited high alien noise in high...
  • category 6a cable    Whereas Category 6 cable has a reduced maximum length when used for 10GBASE-T, "'Category 6A cable "'( or "'Augmented Category 6 "') is characterized to 500 MHz and has improved alien cros...
  • gemini 6a    The burns had only used of fuel on Gemini 6A, leaving plenty of fuel. As they slowly gained, Schirra put Gemini 6A's computer in charge of the rendezvous. As the sleep periods approached, ...
  • human herpesvirus 6a    There are currently three species in this genus including the type species " Human herpesvirus 6A ". Human herpesvirus 6A DNA is found in 43 % of endometrial biopsies in women with unexpla...
  • keratin 6a    Keratin 6A and keratin 6B are encoded by the neighbouring genes, which are identical in intron-exon organization to " KRT6C " and are more than 99 % identical in their DNA coding sequences...
  • massachusetts route 6a    The main roads through the district are Main Street ( Massachusetts Route 6A ) and Spring Hill Road. The "'Dillingham House "'is a historic house on Main Street ( Massachusetts Route 6A ) ...
  • route 6a    A parking lot is located near the Route 6A crossing. Through Route 6A at the Cape Cod National Seashore. Consider the Wedgewood Inn, a magnificent property on Route 6A in Yarmouth Port. Ro...
  • ssh 6a    The long SSH 6A began at, From Colville, the highway passed the Colville Municipal Airport, a Dolomite mine and a sawmill before paralleling Pend Oreille Creek and passing the Little Pend ...
  • state highway 6a    It is one terminus of the short State Highway 6A, which runs seven kilometres west from there to Queenstown.
  • t-6a教练机    而T-6A教练机配置则更接近未来飞机。 对于欧盟-北约联合飞行员训练项目的飞行学员而言,T-6A教练机可以为学员提供无数次的、可控环境下的逼真模拟飞行机会。
  • us 6a    In approximately 1938, US 6 was rerouted and the old route was designated US 6A. In 1942, US 6 was rerouted again and the old US 6A was commissioned as Route 31. In the early 1960s, plans ...
  • 双子星6a号    双子星7号是首次长达两星期的太空任务,也首次和双子星6A号完成了首次太空集合。 瓦尔特马蒂施艾拉二世(Walter Marty Schirra,Jr.-Wally Schirra-1923年3月12日-2007年5月3日)是美国国家航空航天局的宇航员,执行过水星-大力神8号、双子星6A号以及阿波罗7号任务。 托马斯?佩顿?斯塔福德(Thomas Patten Staffor...
  • a2c超轻型飞机    据荆门航空科技有限公司介绍,截至2010年11月份,公司已销售A2C超轻型飞机60架,每架约50万元。 A2C超轻型飞机是由位于荆门的中航工业特飞所开发研制的一种双座多用途水上型飞机,是目前国内唯一取得民航总局颁发的型号设计批准书的同类型飞机。
  • a330-200飞机    被空中客车A330-200飞机取代。 A330-200飞机空中客车是目前最受欢迎的宽体飞机之一。 。A330-200飞机的公开市场报价为每架1.677亿美元至1.767亿美元。 A330-200飞机于1998年投入运营,采用标准三级客舱布局时载客量为253人。 A330-200飞机采用标准两级客舱布局下293座,三级客舱布局时载客量为253人。 A330-200飞机于199...
  • a350xwb宽体飞机    A350XWB宽体飞机工作包的产业化和批量生产。 此举是为了探索支持A350XWB宽体飞机项目工业化的新型合作模式。 由于采用了最新的创新技术,A350 XWB宽体飞机每座燃油效率比目前的飞机高25%。 根据合同,合资公司将于2009年设立,为空中客车A350 XWB宽体飞机项目生产主要零部件。 签署转包生产合同,将部分A350XWB宽体飞机专业运输夹具的生产任务交由赛象公...
  • ac-130u特种战飞机    AC-130U特种战飞机。
  • amx型飞机    AMX型飞机是AMX国际公司(意大利阿莱尼亚公司和马基公司与巴西航空工业公司)联合研制的轻型单发亚音速战术战斗轰炸机。 AMX型飞机是AMX国际公司(意大利阿莱尼亚公司和马基公司与巴西航空工业公司)联合研制的轻型单发亚音速战术战斗/攻击机,有单座和双座两种型号。
  • atl飞机    ATL飞机是由美国国防部和波音公司联合研发的“机载战术激光”系统的飞机。 波音公司表示,公司项目组将在ATL飞机上进行更多激光发射试验,以检测战术激光系统的性能和稳定性。 张博还称:“从最近的ATL飞机试验来看,可以说明美国激光武器技术日趋成熟,离实战化的要求越来越近。 波音公司副总裁兼ATL飞机项目主任格雷?菲兹米尔表示:“首次试验的成功,使得先进战术激光系统的定向能源发...

如何用e-6a飞机造句,用e-6a飛機造句e-6a飞机 in a sentence, 用e-6a飛機造句和e-6a飞机的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。