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  • cmos摄像机    问:什么事CMOS摄像机? 视频监控产品,包括CCD摄像机,CMOS摄像机,汽车后视摄像机等。 以“LONKY”为品牌,生产各类高品质的有线、无线监视器,彩色/黑白CCD、CMOS摄像机等电子产品。 CMOS传感器可以将所有逻辑和控制环都放在同一个硅芯片块上,可以使摄像机变得简单并易于携带,因此CMOS摄像机可以做得非常小。 CMOS摄像机尽管耗能同样或者高于CCD摄像机,...
  • cmos迷你摄像机    CMOS迷你摄像机采用的记录介质一般为媒体卡,而记录的文件格式为压缩格式。 CMOS的英文学名为互补金属氧化半导体,CMOS迷你摄像机和DV的不同之处是在于其感光器件,采用了CMOS的摄像机在成像质量上比不上CCD感光器件。
  • cmos摄像头    迷你cmos摄像头 诺基亚7020garners在背面内置了一枚200万像素的cmos摄像头,不过并不支持自动对焦或者LED补光灯。 cmos摄像头种类:一:CMOS,二:CCD;CMOS一般应用在普通数码设备中,CCD一般应用高档数码设备中,都是光学成像,CCD比CMOS单位成像的效果要好。 Satio背面配备了有效像素为1210万像素cmos摄像头,参数为5.9mm/f...
  • 摄像管摄像机    轮廓校正??无论是摄像管摄像机还是CCD摄像机,都存在孔阑失真,他使图像细节和黑白跳变处变模糊,也就是是高频信号幅度下降。
  • 枪机摄像机    枪机摄像机,又名枪式摄像机。 ?建立枪机摄像机档案,以便日后方便检查、检测。 在道路监控使用中,即使车速变化范围较大,枪机摄像机也可以提供清晰的画面。 枪机摄像机的变焦范围取决于你所选用的镜头,可从几倍到十数倍,并且镜头更换十分的方便。 枪机摄像机的安装角度直接影响到监控图像的范围,所以安装时需要更多地按实地需求来操作。 枪机摄像机的变焦范围可从几倍到十数倍,并且镜头更换十...
  • 照相机,摄像机    《世界因你而美丽:世界儿童故事(汉英对照)》内容简介:很多家庭购买第一台照相机,摄像机都是为了迎接一个孩子的诞生,用影像记录孩子的成长出于父母之爱的本能。
  • analog cmos    The company develops and manufactures precision analog CMOS linear integrated circuits for industrial controls, instrumentation, computers, medical devices, automotive, and telecommunicati...
  • beyond cmos    A fourth IEEE Rebooting Computing Summit ( RCS4 ), with a theme of " Roadmapping the Future of Computing : Discovering How We May Compute " was held in December 2015, in Washington D . C ....
  • bsi cmos    On the back is an 8-megapixel ( 5-element lens ) BSI CMOS sensor with autofocus camera which can be used for capturing HD videos with 1080p resolution.
  • bulk cmos process    It relieved many of the performance problems of the original Itanium processor, which were mostly caused by an inefficient memory subsystem . " McKinley " contained 221 million transistors...
  • ccd cmos    Manufacturer of thin film processing tools for sputtering , evaporation and mocvd
  • cmos    It was fabricated in a 0.28 祄 CMOS process. Most modern digital camera backs use CCD or CMOS matrix sensors. In CMOS circuits, gate capacitances are charged and uncharged continually. Alch...
  • cmos射频集成电路设计    2003年获得清华大学微电子所博士学位,现为清华大学微电子所副研究员,主要研究方向为CMOS射频集成电路设计。 主要课程应为:半导体物理、模拟电路、CMOS模拟集成电路设计、数字电路、数字集成电路设计、集成电路工艺、半导体材料、半导体器件原理、信号与系统、数模混合集成电路设计、硬件描述语言、集成电路版图设计、VLSI集成电路设计方法、ASIC设计综合和时序分析、VLSI测试...
  • cmos active pixel sensor    The digital technology such as the CMOS active pixel sensor ( CMOS APS ) to generate a view of the glottis so that the trachea may be intubated. Three-CCD cameras are often referred to as ...
  • cmos applications    First , the developing history , present situation and trends of cmos application specific integrated circuits and heartbeat detected system were summarized
  • cmos aps    The complementary metal oxide semiconductor active pixel sensor ( CMOS APS ) to generate a view of the glottis so that the trachea may be intubated. The digital technology such as the CMO...
  • cmos architecture    Another hybrid CCD / CMOS architecture, sold under the name " sCMOS, " consists of CMOS readout integrated circuits ( ROICs ) that are bump bonded to a CCD imaging substrate  a technology...
  • cmos based    It is CMOS based switch in which PMOS passes a strong 1 but poor 0 and NMOS passes strong 0 but poor 1. Also, not almost all professional DSLR's are CMOS based, you forgot all the Nikon on...
  • cmos battery    :The CMOS battery is a tiny, weak, watch battery. If you've never heard of a CMOS battery, you will. :That usually means the CMOS battery is weak. My computer doesnot hold the date though ...
  • cmos camera    CMOS cameras will be able to operate much longer without changing batteries. CMOS cameras are also generally smaller than the CCD type. One of the chief advantages of CMOS cameras is that ...
  • cmos chip    The CMOS chip contains important data like your system's setup information. Its sensor is a CMOS chip with a Bayer mask, with dimensions of 2880x2160 pixels. In the case of light, this pro...
  • cmos circuits    In CMOS circuits, gate capacitances are charged and uncharged continually. The dynamic power consumed in synchronous CMOS circuits is given by: PCB . This IC is actually a high-speed CMOS ...
  • cmos device    TTL is less sensitive to damage from electrostatic discharge than early CMOS devices. In CMOS devices, the diodes are sampled directly by the scanning logic. Earlier, the power consumption...
  • cmos devices    TTL is less sensitive to damage from electrostatic discharge than early CMOS devices. In CMOS devices, the diodes are sampled directly by the scanning logic. Earlier, the power consumption...
  • cmos gate    The same idea was used later for building NMOS and CMOS gates. CMOS gates at the end of those resistive wires see slow input transitions. Static CMOS gates are very power efficient because...

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