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  • acth兴奋试验    非经典型病人通常需要ACTH兴奋试验来诊断。 故应做ACTH兴奋试验。 ACTH兴奋试验可显示肾上腺皮质缺乏储备能力等。 2、ACTH兴奋试验肾上腺皮质增生者对ACTH的刺激仍有明显反应。 (三)ACTH兴奋试验此试验为检查肾上腺皮质的功能贮备。 ACTH兴奋试验有助于判断肾上腺意外瘤分泌F是自主性还是继发于ACTH。 8.促皮质素(ACTH)兴奋试验ACTH兴奋试验可促肾...
  • acth    ACTH is also related to the circadian rhythm in many organisms. ACTH has more effect on DOC than it does on aldosterone. Binding of the receptor by ACTH stimulates the production of differ...
  • acth adrenocorticotropic hormone    Acth adrenocorticotropic hormone
  • acth cell    Corticotroph , acth cell
  • acth deficiency    If morning cortisol levels are over 500 nmol / l, ACTH deficiency is unlikely, whereas a level less than 100 is indicative. None of the tests for ACTH deficiency are perfect, and further t...
  • acth gel    The injectable ACTH gel is the preferred therapy for treating infantile spasms. ACTH gel, which is injected into muscles, is the first choice therapy used by doctors treating infantile spa...
  • acth production    Cortisol will drop due to impact of ACTH production form apoplexy. In a normal horse, this accounts for the majority of ACTH production. It can be used in congenital adrenal hyperplasia in...
  • acth receptor    ACTH receptor is primarily found in the zona fasciculata of the human adrenal cortex. The ACTH receptor plays a role in glucose metabolism when expressed in white adipose cells. ACTH recep...
  • acth receptors    ACTH receptor is primarily found in the zona fasciculata of the human adrenal cortex. The ACTH receptor plays a role in glucose metabolism when expressed in white adipose cells. ACTH recep...
  • acth secreting tumor    A CT or MRI of the pituitary may also show the ACTH secreting tumor if present.
  • acth stimulation test    In people with traumatic brain injury, etomidate use is associated with a blunting of an ACTH stimulation test. The ACTH stimulation test does not distinguish between primary adrenal insuf...
  • acth test    Dogs who do not have Addison's disease will have normal values on ACTH tests. Some suggest that an ACTH stimulation test is sufficient as first-line investigation, and that an insulin tole...
  • corticotroph, acth cell    Corticotroph , acth cell
  • ectopic acth syndrome    AVPR1B is expressed at high levels in ACTH-secreting pituitary adenomas as well as in bronchial carcinoids responsible for the ectopic ACTH syndrome.
  • ectopic acth syndromes    AVPR1B is expressed at high levels in ACTH-secreting pituitary adenomas as well as in bronchial carcinoids responsible for the ectopic ACTH syndrome.
  • synthetic acth    During the test, a small amount of synthetic ACTH is injected, and the amount of cortisol ( and sometimes aldosterone ) that the adrenals produce in response is measured.
  • 异位acth综合征    早期发现及诊断是治疗异位ACTH综合征的基本前提。 部分异位ACTH综合征有重度柯兴病者可有皮肤色素沉着。 异位ACTH综合征是由于垂体以外的肿瘤细胞分泌大量ACTH所致。 异位ACTH综合征是发现最早并研究得最广泛的异位激素分泌综合征。 垂体ACTH癌和异位ACTH综合征患者由于ACTH分泌增多,可致血浆皮质醇相应升高。 八、皮肤色素沉着异位ACTH综合征病人多有明显色素...
  • 异源acth综合征    文献曾报告有的肿瘤可同时分泌ACTH和CRF样物质而形成异源ACTH综合征。 3.地塞米松(8mg/d)并不能抑制异源ACTH和皮质醇分泌,但半数支气管类癌和某些胸腺瘤可产生CRF,形成异源ACTH综合征。 癌肿(尤以肺癌)患者,除癌肿之症状(如消瘦、乏力、贫血)外,如有低血钾伴碱中毒(补钾不易纠正)、肌乏力、浮肿、精神症状、色素沉着、高血压或糖耐量异常,均应疑及异源ACT...
  • trh兴奋试验    TRH兴奋试验,其TSH水平对TRH无反应。 ③超敏TSH下降或TRH兴奋试验呈低平曲线。 I率增高,峰值前移,TRH兴奋试验水平很低,近于零。 5.TRH兴奋试验TRH 500tμg静脉注射,30分钟后测定Pr1值,正常时TSH、pr1均达峰值。 如血TSH、T4均低,为继发于下丘脑、垂体的甲低,应做TRH兴奋试验以区别之。 诊断有疑问时可选抒TRH兴奋试验或T3抑制试验...
  • 兴奋试验    克罗米酚兴奋试验在预测卵巢储备功能中的作用
  • 垂体兴奋试验    GnRH主要用于垂体兴奋试验、下丘脑性闭经与下丘脑性不孕等。 促性腺激素低,应进一步作垂体兴奋试验,以区别原发病因在垂体本身或在下丘脑以上的神经系统。 (2)垂体兴奋试验:一般用药后15-30分钟,LH值高于用药前的2-4倍,为垂体功能良好,如不升高或升高很少说明病交可能在垂体。 ??另外一种垂体兴奋试验的方法是Combes方法:将LHRH100mg静脉滴注4小时,正常情况...
  • 氯丙嗪兴奋试验    可作氯丙嗪兴奋试验(肌注氯丙嗪25~50mg)或左旋多巴抑制试验(口服左旋多巴500mg)。 正常PRL对促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH)和氯丙嗪兴奋试验的反应一般正常少数反应减低,个别反应过强。 (2)氯丙嗪兴奋试验:肌注氯丙嗪25~50mg后,60~90min内泌乳素增高1倍,并继续3h试验结果阳性表示高泌乳素血症,为功能失调所致。
  • 神经兴奋试验    肌电图应和神经兴奋试验、神经电图等配合使用。 第四组是在三天以后看到的,首先作面神经兴奋试验,有兴奋性证明有一定数量的运动轴索完好,应连续进行刺激以确定整个功能是好转或恶化。 对所有新生儿面瘫部位都应进行充分的评定和追踪观察,应查明其麻痹为完全性或部分性和受累支,有无血鼓室、耳周瘀斑,还要作面神经兴奋试验。 4、手术疗法,85%的病例经过保守疗法可获得不同程度的恢复,若为完...
  • 可靠性试验证试验    可靠性试验证试验
  • 性病研究试验室试验    有条件的单位尚可进行血清和脑脊液的各项试验检查,包括性病研究试验室试验(简称VDRL)、荧光密螺旋体抗体吸收试验(简称FTA-ABS)和梅毒螺旋体制动试验(简称TPI),如血清和脑脊液梅毒试验阴性者,则排除神经梅毒的诊断。

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