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  • You can ' t kill no big yaphet kotto - looking zulu nigga
  • The zulus conquered all the neighboring tribes
  • Pilot copy , q - 06 , we ' ve got a visual on lima , zulu
  • [ pilot ] copy , q - 06 , we ' ve got a visual on lima , zulu
  • Igugu lakwa zulu - natal cultural group , south africa
  • A member of a zulu people of southwest zimbabwe
  • The zulus society and the pattern of chiefdom
  • Marine : " these zulus just keep getting stranger and stranger
    陆战队员: “这些怪物正变得越来越奇怪。 ”
  • Contribution to zulu children dancers
  • Zulu south africa zu
  • It's difficult to see zulu in a sentence. 用zulu造句挺难的
  • Zulu war spear
  • Did you read that skit in the united irishman today about that zulu chief that s visiting england
    你读没读今天的爱尔兰人联合报上关于正在访问英国的祖鲁酋长那篇讽刺文章? ”
  • Also in the old time , we had a matriarchal system , like the zulu people now . do you still have this system here
  • This zulu would be added to night stalkers which as is , is a bit * ahem * lacking * ahem * in missions
  • His universal zulu nation group performed around new york and inspired other people to fight using words instead of violence
  • Language : there are 11 official languages , including english , afrikaans and xhosa , zulu , sesotho and other nine african languages
    语言: 11种官方语言。其中包括英语、南非荷兰语和克索萨语、祖卢语、塞苏托语等9种当地主要部族语言。
  • The largest newspaper , the zulu paper " ilanga , " published an article on one of its prime pages with the headline , " world respected leader coming . . .
  • He might have sung zulu township jive all his life , if he had not felt compelled to give “ a message ” to the world for which reggae was his ideal language
    如果他没有被人逼得要向全世界传达“讯息” ,以表示雷盖是他最理想的语言,他这一生本可以唱一些祖鲁都市摇摆乐。
  • His old fellow made his tin by selling jalap to zulus or some bloody swindle or other . god , kinch , if you and i could only work together we might do something for the island
    他老子要么是把药喇叭26根做成的泻药卖给了祖鲁人27 ,要么就是靠干下了什么鬼骗局发的家。
  • Battalion : " we are picking up a mysterious presence in your sector on radar . investigate and procede with caution . other sectors are reporting some pretty strange zulus .
    指挥部: “我们在雷达发现你们区域有神秘的精灵。调查并保持警惕。别的区域报告有一些小巧而奇怪的怪物出现。 ”
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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