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  • 9 zoroastrians in india leave out the bodies of the dead to be consumed by vultures
  • In iran and india zoroastrians ( and others ) , still use this name for males
  • He met with increasing hostility from the zoroastrian priests and was finally executed for heresy
  • It was based on worship of the god mithras and derives from the persian and indic god mithra and other zoroastrian deities
  • Many legends , and zoroastrian tradition , say that he was killed , while praying in the sanctuary , by a foreign enemy of the king
  • In accordance with zoroastrian philosophy , he reached god through his own effort simultaneously with god ' s communication to him
  • In this there may indeed be some zoroastrian influence on christian thinking , as the two cultures lived side - by - side in the middle east for centuries
  • It was in these early decades of the 20th century that the faravahar began to be incorporated into the design of zoroastrian temples , publications , and ornaments
  • Saoshyant refers to one who will " make existence brilliant " in the zoroastrian religion . literally , the term means " one who brings benefit .
    萨奥斯亚特在琐罗亚斯德宗教是代表“使得存在物闪耀” 。字面上,这个术语的意思是“一个会带来益处的人” 。
  • In later zoroastrian doctrine it is envisaged that there will be three future saoshyants , who will restore order when the world has fallen into chaos
    在后期的琐罗亚斯德教义里,正视了未来将会有三个“萨奥斯亚特” ,当世界陷入混沌的时候会使世界恢复秩序。
  • It's difficult to see zoroastrian in a sentence. 用zoroastrian造句挺难的
  • In the later books of the avesta ( the zoroastrian scriptures ) , the fravashis of the righteous are invoked as fierce and mighty warriors for the good
  • The date of zoroaster ' s life cannot be ascertained with any degree of certainty . according to zoroastrian tradition , he flourished " 258 years before alexander .
  • Another question is the extent to which the later zoroastrian religion ( mazdaism ) of the sasanian period ( ad 224 - 651 ) genuinely reflected the teachings of zoroaster
  • Scholars disagree about just what the symbolism of the persian faravahar indicates . is it a symbolic image of ahura mazda , the zoroastrian name for the one god , the " wise lord ?
    学者们不同意波斯法拉瓦哈的象征意义。它是代表琐罗亚斯德教的唯一神,阿胡玛兹达, “英明的主”的一个象征肖像吗?
  • But there is no holiday commemorating the martyrdom of the prophet , as there would be in other religions ( christianity , for instance ) and other zoroastrian traditions , and scholars , say that zarathushtra died peacefully
  • Paul williams claims that some zoroastrian ideas influenced the cult of maitreya , such as " expectations of a heavenly helper , the need to opt for positive righteousness , the future millennium , and universal salvation "
    保罗威廉斯声称一些琐罗亚斯德教的思想影响着弥勒的信徒,比如“期待一个天上帮助者,在未来的千禧年中,必须选择肯定和正义,还有普遍的拯救” 。
  • Though extreme claims of pan - iranianism ( i . e . , that zoroastrian or iranian ideas influenced greek , roman , and jewish thought ) may be disregarded , the pervasive influence of zoroaster ' s religious thought must nevertheless be recognized
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