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  • Wsj : what ' s your workday like now
    《华尔街日报》 :现在你的工作日是如何安排的
  • Wsj : how is the arrangement working for now
    《华尔街日报》 :目前的管理方式是如何运作的?
  • Of chinese wsj . com visitors work in their company s it departments
  • Wsj : who is hurting the most in this market
    《华尔街日报》 :汽车市场上受挫最严重的是哪些公司?
  • Wsj : what is your assessment of the u . s . auto market
    《华尔街日报》 :你如何评价美国的汽车市场?
  • Wsj : what about the non - u . s . auto market
    《华尔街日报》 :那么美国之外的汽车市场情况又会如何呢?
  • Wsj : is there commercial demand for an electric vehicle
    《华尔街日报》 :市场对电动车有没有需求?
  • Wsj : what will the renault - nissan electric car look like
    《华尔街日报》 :雷诺和日产会生产什么样的电动车?
  • Advertising running throughout chinese wsj . com ( including text e - mails )
  • Wsj : are you comfortable with the battery technology as it exists
    《华尔街日报》 :你对现有的电池技术满意吗?
  • It's difficult to see wsj in a sentence. 用wsj造句挺难的
  • Wsj : can the emerging markets continue to grow at those rates
    《华尔街日报》 :新兴市场能保持住目前的增长率吗?
  • Wsj : how did you handle the pressure the second time
    《华尔街日报》 :第二次申奥的时候,你是如何处理当时面对的压力的
  • Wsj : so what will the u . s . auto industry look like in three years
    《华尔街日报》 :那么未来三年,美国汽车工业的前景将如何?
  • Wsj : how long do you plan to remain ceo of both renault and nissan
    《华尔街日报》 :你计划还会担任雷诺和日产的“双料”首席执行长多久?
  • Wsj : so when it ' s all over , is there a native u . s . automobile industry
    《华尔街日报》 :那么当一切尘埃落定时,美国还会不会有一个本土的汽车工业?
  • Wsj : how do you oversee two companies when one is based in tokyo and the other based in paris
    《华尔街日报》 :一家公司在东京,一家在巴黎,你如何管理这两家公司呢?
  • Wsj : how are you going to meet the challenge from china and india in the segment of low - cost cars
    《华尔街日报》 :你将如何应对低成本汽车市场上来自中国和印度的挑战?
  • Mccain will also push for generic biotech drugs and shifting some care to nurse practitioners , the wsj says
  • Wsj : in 1993 , beijing lost in its first bid to host an olympic games . tell us a little more about what it was like to bid for the second time
    《华尔街日报》 : 1993年,北京在首次申奥的时候失败了.请谈谈第二次申奥的情况
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