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  • In vilna she had formed a liaison with a young foreign prince
  • We have abandoned vilna , and abandoned vitebsk , and we are abandoning the drissa too
  • This party had urged an advance from vilna into poland regardless of all previous plans
  • On the 29th of november , kutuzov reached vilnahis dear vilna , as he used to call it
  • In opposition to the tsars wishes , kutuzov kept the greater part of the troops in vilna
  • Ellen had accompanied the court on its return from vilna to petersburg , and there found herself in a difficult position
  • The russian emperor had meanwhile been spending more than a month in vilna , holding reviews and inspecting manuvres
  • The longer the tsar stayed at vilna , the less ready was the russian army for the war , which it had grown weary of expecting
  • From orsha they fled on along the road to vilna , still playing the same game of blindman with the pursuing army
  • He was said by all the persons about him to be getting much weaker , and breaking down physically during his stay in vilna
  • It's difficult to see vilna in a sentence. 用vilna造句挺难的
  • Who did it . the emperor was in excellent spirits after his ride about vilna , greeted and followed with acclamations by crowds of the inhabitants
  • He no longer sought patronage , but was on an equal footing with the most distinguished men of his age . at vilna he met ellen , whom he had not seen for a long while
  • Its a week now since the campaign commenced , and you havent even succeeded in defending vilna . you have been divided in two and driven out of the polish provinces . your army is discontented
    “战争已开始一个星期了,而你们没能保住维尔纳,你们被切成两半,你们被从波兰各省赶出来,你们的军队正怨声载道。 ”
  • And this was the object to which all kutuzovs efforts were directed during the whole campaign from moscow to vilna , not casually , not fitfully , but so consistently that he never once lost sight of it
  • As he said , at vilna , was also at that ball ; and although he was not a general on the staff , he had subscribed a large sum to the ball . boris was now a wealthy man who had risen to high honours
    鲍里斯德鲁别茨科伊,一位把妻子丢在莫斯科而自称单身汉en garcon的人,也参加了这次舞会,他虽然不是侍从武官,却也为舞会认捐了一大笔钱。
  • Twice during his military career he had been governor of vilna . in that wealthy town , which had escaped injury , kutuzov found old friends and old associations , as well as the comforts of which he had been so long deprived
  • The tsar , with his suitecount tolstoy , prince volkonsky , araktcheev , and the restleft petersburg on the 7th of december , and reached vilna on the 11th , and drove straight up to the castle in his travelling sledge
  • Count bennigsen , who had land in the vilna province , offered his house in the outskirts for this fte , and the 13th of june was the day fixed for a ball , a dinner , with a regatta and fireworks at zakreta , count bennigsens suburban house
  • Here we have the first term of a progression , by which the remaining terms are determined with mathematical exactness . the french army went on melting away and disappearing in the same ratio from moscow to vyazma , from vyazma to smolensk , from smolensk to the berezina , from the berezina to vilna , apart from the greater or less degree of cold , the pursuit and barring of the way , and all other conditions taken separately
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