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  • We detest with horror the duplicity and villainy of the murderous hyenas of bukharinite wreckers .
  • Of course , we will never give in to villainy
  • . . . in the full career of his success and villainy
    . . .见过那个人的起起落落
  • In the full career of his success and villainy
  • He is capable of great villainies
  • We all know their villainies
  • We all know their villainies
  • Jason isaacs who plays the villainy lucius malfoy talks about why he did the harry potter movies as well as the addicting factor of the books
  • One , if provided with courage , aspiration , and dignity , is capable to pull down all villainy . as there are too many dangers and pullbacks ahead , i present you with this sentence
  • This book leads people to exert benevolence and to avoid villainy , which combined yi people ' s religious rites , cultural mentality , social ideas , ethic and folk custom with the tai shang ganying pian , the one of classical instructions on morality in taoism
    它译述了道家经典劝善书之一《太上感应篇》 ,并结合彝族的宗教礼俗、心理情态、社会思想、伦理道德、风俗习惯等内容,劝说人们要行善戒恶。
  • It's difficult to see villainy in a sentence. 用villainy造句挺难的
  • He stood at miss temple s side ; he was speaking low in her ear : i did not doubt he was making disclosures of my villainy ; and i watched her eye with painful anxiety , expecting every moment to see its dark orb turn on me a glance of repugnance and contempt
如何用villainy造句,用villainy造句villainy in a sentence, 用villainy造句和villainy的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。