- Once you are unemployed , you are done for .
一旦失业,你就完了。 - She has taken up with an unemployed actor .
她跟一个失业的男演员混得很熟了。 - Times are hard for the unemployed .
失业者的日子很艰难。 - The workshop has shut down and the workers are unemployed .
工厂关闭后工人失业了。 - His attitude towards the unemployed is very one-sided .
他对于失业者的态度很不公正。 - Unemployed people often feel they are on the scrap-heap .
失业的人常有感觉他们被遗弃了。 - She speaks of the government's plans for the unemployed .
她提到了政府为失业者所制定的计划。 - He is unemployed at the moment and has been for over six months .
他目前失业,已经有半年多了。 - Jeanette, was unemployed with three children to support .
珍妮特没有工作,却有三个孩子要抚养。 - Unemployed people are sometimes characterized as "surplus labor. "
有时,失业人口被说成为“过剩的劳动力。” - It's difficult to see unemployed in a sentence. 用unemployed造句挺难的
- This was to see for himself and find out how the unemployed felt .
这是为了亲眼看一看,体会一下失业者的心情。 - Jim had been unemployed over five months and he was really on the rocks now .
吉姆失业五个多月了,他确实已身无分文了。 - People who become unemployed have to reduce their consumption of goods and services .
失业者不得不缩减商品和劳务的消费。 - I wonder how the other 10 million unemployed are coping with their personal hobgoblins .
在上千万的失业者中,我不知道别人是怎样应付他们个人的可怕处境的。 - Small companies went out of business one by one, and the number of the unemployed continued to rise ever higher and higher .
小公司纷纷倒闭,失业人数仍在不断增加。 - Unemployed and perhaps disgruntled at their abrupt dismissal , these people were a potentially dangerous element .
失业以及也许对于突然被解雇的不满,这些人成了潜在的危险因素。 - The chief factor in this expansion was the addition of about 7, 000, 000 workers from the reservoir of the unemployed .
这一增加的主要因素,是以失业大军中补充了大约七百万工人。 - Marshal soult was reputed to be the man behind the scheme both for removing and using the unemployed foreign ex-soldiers .
索尔脱元帅被认为是这次驱除并利用这些失业的外籍退役士兵的幕后策划人。 - There will be no unemployed and no overlapping of labour, which will be organized and concentrated for the accomplishment of the only rational object .
社会上不再会有失业和重复劳动的现象,一切都会安排得井井有条,以达到一个唯一合理的目的。 - It takes forever to do . luckily , i ' m unemployed
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