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  • Even dinosaurs are represented ( Spinosauridae, Tyrannosauroidea, Compsognathidae ).
  • Scientists have commonly understood Tyrannosauroidea to include the tyrannosaurids and their immediate ancestors.
  • The Middle Cretaceous record of Tyrannosauroidea is rather patchy.
  • Interestingly, along with the dromaeosauridae remains, tyrannosauroidea and possible ornithomimid remains have been unearthed in Missouri as well.
  • In 2016, a phylogenetic analysis conducted by Thomas Carr and Stephen Brusatte re-examined the evolutionary relationships of the Tyrannosauroidea.
  • A majority of coelurosaur groups became extinct in the Cretaceous Paleogene extinction event, including the Tyrannosauroidea, Ornithomimosauria, Oviraptorosauria, Deinonychosauria, Enantiornithes, and Hesperornithes.
  • Holtz ( 1994 ) defined the clade Arctometatarsalia as " the first theropod to develop the arctometatarsalian pes and all of its descendants . " This group included the Troodontidae, Tyrannosauroidea, and Ornithomimosauria.
  • The back end is rectangular, the front edge has an appending hook-shaped point and near its top a circular notch, a trait that is usually considered a synapomorphy of the Tyrannosauroidea.
  • Many of the coelurosaurian lineages survived to the end of the Cretaceous period ( about 65 Ma ) and fossils of some lineages, such as the Tyrannosauroidea, are best known from the late Cretaceous.
  • Remains of other dinosaurs, fish, turtles, and plants have also been found, including teeth belonging to a member of the Tyrannosauroidea . and part of a jaw, have also been found.
  • It's difficult to see tyrannosauroidea in a sentence. 用tyrannosauroidea造句挺难的
  • But, fossil records show that Theropoda dinosaur groups like Dromaeosauridae, Compsognathidae, Oviraptorosauria, Therizinosauridae and even Tyrannosauroidea which were likely to had feathers made the evidence that these were theropds and even prehistoric basal birds.
  • The first was by Paul Sereno in 1998, where Tyrannosauroidea was defined as a stem-based taxon including all species sharing a more recent common ancestor with " Tyrannosaurus rex " than with neornithean birds.
  • However, other authors disputed the placement of megaraptorans within Tyrannosauroidea, and a study of megaraptoran hand anatomy published in 2016 caused even the original scientists suggesting their tyrannosauroid relationships to at least partly reject their prior conclusion.
  • The evolutionary paths taken by the Theropoda are very complicated . " The Dinosauria " ( 2004 ), a major reference work on dinosaurs, splits the Theropoda into groups Ceratosauria, Basal Tetanurae, Tyrannosauroidea, Ornithomimosauria, Therizinosauroidea, Oviraptorosauria, Troodontidae, Dromaeosauridae and Basal Avialae in turn.
  • Another early mistake was the suggestion by Thomas Holtz that the foot had been incorrectly reconstructed and would in fact have been arctometatarsalian, with the top of the third metatarsal excluded from the front surface of the metatarsus, proving a close relationship of the Ornithomimosauria with the Tyrannosauroidea which show the same condition.
  • The type species, " B . ingens ", was described by Ernst Stromer in 1934, though the type specimen was destroyed during World War II . The exact placement of " Bahariasaurus " is uncertain, although it has been variously assigned to several theropod groups, including Carcharodontosauridae ( by Rauhut in 1995 ) and Tyrannosauroidea ( by Chure in 2000 ).
  • Occasional bones and cladistic analyses point to the Tyrannosauroidea branching off from the other Theropoda early, in the middle Jurassic, although nearly complete skeletons haven't yet appeared before " Eotyrannus " from 121-127 Ma, and the many close relatives of " Tyrannosaurus " itself don't appear before 84 Ma, near the end of the late Cretaceous.
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