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  • The road emerges again south of Teruel following the Rio Turia.
  • Turia confirmed in November 2013 that she would retire at the.
  • Maori spokeswoman Tariana Turia said residents were angry at the police raid.
  • Tana Bhagats were formed by Oaron saints Jatra Bhagat and Turia Bhagat.
  • But the prime minister indicated that Turia could eventually win back her post.
  • The Valencia Bioparc is a zoo, also located in the Turia riverbed.
  • The Turia River gives its name to the valley.
  • When Turia forgives him, Morgan decides to remain with her on Matareva.
  • The celebration in the town of Turia was complete.
  • After Turia, the Leonese troops set an ambush for the pursuing forces.
  • It's difficult to see turia in a sentence. 用turia造句挺难的
  • The whnau facility was opened by MP Tariana Turia.
  • Helen Clark said that Turia had shown " an astonishing lack of perspective ".
  • Turia had quit both foreshore and seabed controversy.
  • In June 1938 he led the Turia Army Corps in the XYZ Line battle.
  • Turia was encouraged to either abstain or simply be absent when the vote was taken.
  • Throughout history the water of the River Turia has been used to irrigate the region.
  • The Turia Valley is a range of small mountains, ancient oak forests and rivers.
  • Tariana Turia was the Minister Responsible for Whnau Ora in the 50th New Zealand Parliament.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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