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  • Sequencers and synthesizers for dna and protein
  • Conventional sequencers evaluate about 1 , 000 base pairs at a time
  • Auto edit sequencer
  • Samples were electrophoresised and analyzed on a perkin - elmer model 377xl dna sequencer
    所有基因序列均在gcg10 . 2版本上编辑和处理。
  • Commands to set data patterns , perform ecc tests , manipulate the error log , dump the sequencer ram
  • Fluid power systems and components . fluid logic circuit . part 3 : symbols for logic sequencers and related functions
  • Appears as just another midi device to a sequencer which schedules the midi commands from a file and passes them to the publisher
  • It acts as a wallpaper sequencer showing the semi - transparent calendar along with the day - to - day event management and the fully functional timed reminder
  • The chemical degradation method established by edman in 1950 has been a routine approach for n - terminal sequencing and is widely employed by automated protein sequencer
  • Job sequencer supports the execution of linear sequences of tasks that would otherwise be performed individually , which enables predefined workflows to be executed
    Job sequencer支持任务按照线性顺序执行,否则它们只能单独执行任务, job sequencer允许执行预先定义的任务流。
  • It's difficult to see sequencer in a sentence. 用sequencer造句挺难的
  • Instruments can be automatically controlled by using a device called a sequencer . this allows pre - recorded backing tracks to be prepared and modified during a live performance
  • The gpir query and ingester services allow reads and writes from the gpir data store , while the job sequencer service allows interaction with the interactive services
    Gpir query and ingester服务允许用户从gpir数据存储中读取数据,或者将数据写入其中,而job sequencer服务可以与交互式服务进行交互。
  • But no special license is required to export dna synthesizers and sequencers and other automated machines that can make it much easier to engage in the genetic engineering of microorganisms
  • The equipment here may be pipette , electrophoresis system capillary , transblot system , chest / oven molecule hybridization , water bath , dna sequencer , microplate - reader for elisa , microplate washer and so on
    本区所使用的仪器设备可能有加样器、电泳仪(槽) 、电转印仪、杂交炉或杂交箱、水浴箱、 dna测序仪、酶标仪和洗板机等。
  • Taking the vr step motor as example in the paper , systemic research is conducted about the principle of the subdividing drive , the non - linearity relationship between microstep and phase current , the method of velocity adjusting and the interrelated factors . the system is designed to realize the subdividing drive , velocity adjusting and position . especially , there are two innovations in this paper . one is the first introduction of pld device and isp technology to the design of phase sequencer , the other is the new measure and amend method of microstep
  • The sequence of hntx - v had been determined by 491 sequencer : nh2 - eclgfgkgcnpsdqccksanlvcsrkhrwckyei - cooh , in which there were 35 amino acid residues and six cys . the toxin could block neuromuscular transmission in an isolated mouse phrenic nerve diaphragm preparation . hntx - v is a natural mutant of hntx - iv , for there is only one different residue ( ala20ser )
    Hntx -经491测序仪测得其氨基酸组成为: nh2 - eclgfgkgcnpsdqccksanlvcsrkhrwckyei - cooh ,含35个氨基酸残基, 6个半胱氨酸全部参与了二硫键的形成,该毒素对小鼠膈神经-膈肌标本有阻遏作用。
  • This paper projects a utility subdividing drive system of step motor , which consists of digital control module , drive module and power module , it uses at89c52 single chip processor as the core , it realizes the external event or generates control signal by i / o interface , timer and external interruption , the system introduce pld device and isp technology to the design of phase sequencer , it simplified circuit and improved the anti - disturbing capability by using abel - hdl language , this system can realizes data memory , velocity digital control and led display , etc . this paper adopted firstly the single - chip technique to design control system , which replaced old complicated logic control circuit and simplified test process
    本文研究了一种实用的步进电机细分驱动系统,由数字控制模块、驱动模块和电源模块组成,系统以at89c52单片机为核心,通过单片机的i o口、定时器计数器中断来实现外部事件监控以及控制信号的产生,系统将可编程逻辑器件( pld )器件和在系统编程( isp )新技术引入到细分驱动环行分配器的设计,通过abel _ hdl语言编程实现硬件软化设计和逻辑重构,大大简化了电路,并提高了电路抗干扰能力。使系统实现参数存储,速度数字控制,数码显示,进退刀控制等功能。
  • That is to add a special fluorescence - based dna internal standard in the telomerase elongated ts primers , then do pcr amplification after a step of refinement ( hydroxybenzene / chloroform extracting , and deposited by ethanol ) . sequencing analysis of pcr product was done on 310 gene scan analysis ? . 1 . 2 dna sequencer to determine telomerase activity . notably , this method eliminated the restraining factors of taq dna polymerase , making it possible to erase the sample differences met in pcr and eradicate the annoying phenomena of pseudo negative results
    在kim等开发的端粒重复扩增分析法( trap )的基础上进行改进,即通过对端粒酶延伸ts寡核昔酸反应产物的精制,消除了pcr扩增中抑制taq酶活性的因素,从而减少了样品之间pcr扩增上的差异和假阴性现象的发生,提高了判断样品端粒酶阴、阳性的准确率和定量的准确性。
  • Comparison of telomerase activity in a few cell lines showed that application of dna sequencer in detecting telomerase enzyme activity is applicable in quantitative and qualitative determination of telomerase activity . the result of this method could be available within 4 - 5 hours with high sensitivity and less handling time . it provided a reliable means to study on regulative mechanism of telomerase activity and relationship between telomerase activation and malignancy
    Trap与dna测序相结合检测端粒酶活性的方法,操作简便、快速、经济、无放射性危害,可在3 ? 4小时内得到检测结果,大大缩短了检测时间,为研究端粒酶活性的调节机制、端粒酶与恶性肿瘤之间的关系以及临床上鉴别和诊断肿瘤的良恶性提供了一种检测手段。
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