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  • Detection of fetal rhd types with maternal plasma for prenatal diagnosis
  • ( 2 ) rh d genes of rh d - negative individuals with c antigens have polymorphism
  • Rhd right - hand side
  • Results : phenotype frequency of rh c and rh e in individuals with rh d negative were 25 % and 3 % respectively
    结果:中国人rhd阴性个体中, c和e的表型频率分别为25和3 。
  • ( 5 ) " normal " rh d exon # 4 amplifying product did not be found in all the samples , instead of 37bp insert
    全部rhd阴性和阳性汉族和维族个体中都没有发现“ nomal ” rhdexon # 4 ,扩增产物都是37bp插入片段。
  • The polymorphism of rh d gene structure of han nationality of chinese was significantly different from caucasian and wei nationality characteristic
  • ( 2 ) gene structure of the rh d - negative in chinese have polymorphism , especially in the individuals with c antigen , which accorded with the oriental character . d gene exon of chinese polymorphism expressed for intact , partial deletion and total deletion , and probably existed specific d ( nf ) ce haplotype
    中国人rhd基因结构具有多态性,特别是带有c的个体,符合东方人具有完全缺失、部分缺失和不缺失三种情况,并可能存在特殊的d ( nf ) ce单体型。
  • The individuals of rhd - positive phenotype with intact exons carried generally insert fragments and boxl box2 and box3 and this proved that inserts or rh box could n ' t affect the express of rh d gene . in 2 of the 5 wei nationality pedigrees whose proband were rh d - negative , rhc / e phenotype of all the rh negative individuals was ccee . rhd exon 4nsert and rh box did not be found in all individuals
    在7个先证者为rhd阴性的汉族家系中,大部分成员均出现插入片段和rhbox ,且在遗传上符合孟德尔遗传定律, d外显子完整且表型为rhd阳性的家系个体成员广泛带有插入片段和box1 、 box2或box3 ,插入片段或rhbox并未影响d基因的表达。
  • In 82 cases of rh d serology negative individuals with rh c / e typing for cc or cc was 20 , of which 9 carried intact exons , 6 carried partial deletion exons , and 5 was total deletion . ( 3 ) inseit fragments and rh box were detected in most of cases in 7 han nationality pedigrees which proband were rh d - negative , and intheritance accorded with the mendel ' s law
    检测82例rhd血清学阴性个体中, c e型为cc或cc有20例,其中完整携带rhd基因外显子者为9例,部分携带者为6例,完全缺失者为5例。
  • It's difficult to see rhd in a sentence. 用rhd造句挺难的
如何用rhd造句,用rhd造句rhd in a sentence, 用rhd造句和rhd的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。