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  • No reinstallation of the program is needed for virus database updates
  • On the other hand , the seappinstall command line will allow reinstallation of the application
    另一方面, seappinstall命令行却允许重新安装应用程序。
  • It was also the first linux distribution that could be upgraded without requiring reinstallation
  • To disconnect linkage , remove retaining clip and pin ( store in a safe location for reinstallation )
    断开联动装置,拆卸固定夹和销钉(存放在安全的地方以备重新安装。 )
  • To disconnect linkage , remove retaining clip and pin ( store in a safe location for reinstallation )
    要断开联动装置,就要拆卸夹子和销钉(放在安全位置以便重新安装) 。
  • I believe reinstallation encourages the reluctance to study the system in - depth because you always think " reinstallation will restore everything for me "
  • All data and applications will be lost . please backup data before the installation . reinstallation of third - party applications will be required
  • All applications may be updated using the administrative functions for reinstallation , editing , or remapping modules to new targets
  • If so , you can perform the above function even you are " limited user " account holder . ( please make a back - up file for the ir56b . mdb before the reinstallation )
  • Based on examples , the problems in reinstallation process of oil pump , tap - changer and bushing after transformer maintenance overhaul are analyzed . the measures to prevent the problems are presented
  • It's difficult to see reinstallation in a sentence. 用reinstallation造句挺难的
如何用reinstallation造句,用reinstallation造句reinstallation in a sentence, 用reinstallation造句和reinstallation的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。