- For my parents'generation, which went to school in the 1960's and 70's, college was often a radicalizing experience
我父母一代人在20世纪六七十年代接受学校教育,他们的大学生活经常是一种激进的体验。 - He will remember his childhood life with his buddies, he will heed joon-suk s advice even though they belong to the opposing crime families . kwak does not radicalize or develop his characters in an extreme manner . the characters appear so real and profound
编导没有把角色极端化处理,不会把角色陷入同类电影人物的典型,相反把他们都编得富人性和血肉,处理立体,令人看得心动,是此片最成功的地方。 - It's difficult to see radicalizing in a sentence. 用radicalizing造句挺难的
如何用radicalizing造句,用radicalizing造句,radicalizing in a sentence, 用radicalizing造句和radicalizing的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。