- Gasification is really a simple process .
气化确实是一个简单的过程。 - This process produces corrosion of metals .
这一过程造成金属的腐蚀。 - Some shareholders delayed in the process .
有些股东们在后面排着队。 - We can break this process into two parts .
我们可把此过程分为两部分。 - The process is distributed into three stages .
工作进程分为三个阶段。 - This is a process known as rendering .
这个过程叫做脂肪的提炼与加工。 - We call this process organic evolution .
我们把这种过程称为生物进化。 - The process described above is called scattering .
上述过程叫做散射。 - The process of money creation will stop cold .
货币创造过程就会停滞。 - The postmolding process is relatively harsh .
后模压工艺是相当严格的。 - It's difficult to see process in a sentence. 用process造句挺难的
- We are still in the process of moving house .
我们还正在搬着家呢。 - Dominance of quantum processes is not complete .
量子过程并不囊括一切。 - The diffusion process seems to be accelerating .
传播过程看来正在加速。 - Communication is a difficult process .
相互联系是一件困难的工作。 - They were observing the "check-in" process .
他们正在观看“入场”过程。 - This process removes the water hardness .
这一工艺去除水的硬度。 - All living matter undergoes a process of metabolism .
生物都有新陈代谢。 - Relaxation processes are very universal .
松驰过程是十分普遍的。 - Their demand steers the allocative process .