- Business executive Abdul Wahab Mohamad, 50, from Penang, said his favourite dish is perut masak lemak.
- Cold dishes : Ulam-ulam with sambal belacan, sambal tempoyak, pucuk paku, sotong mempelam, perut ala Thai.
- Undang of Johol are a succession of members of two families in the female line which are Perut Gemencheh and Perut Johol.
- Undang of Johol are a succession of members of two families in the female line which are Perut Gemencheh and Perut Johol.
- As a Lembaga waris Perut Hulu, Waris Telaga Undang Dato Johan is not a titian balai because Dato Andika is more senior.
- Muhammad is a descendent of the Dato'Lela Maharaja Suku Biduanda, of the waris Nan Dua Carak ( Perut Tebat ).
- Shamsul Mohamad Sidek, 32, who runs the stall with his elder brother Ariffin, said among its specialities are fried beef and chicken as well as gulai perut.
- According to the Roman author Sextus Julius Frontinus, the ancient Perut or Pretut ( meaning " Hill surrounded by waters " ) strongly developed in dimensions and importance until it became the capital of the Praetutii tribe.
- It's difficult to see perut in a sentence. 用perut造句挺难的