- The functions of these two alternative forms of peripherin are unknown.
- This upregulation implies that peripherin may also play a role in axon regeneration.
- Peripherin can also play a role in the definitive diagnosis of Hirschsprung disease.
- The overall structure of the peripherin gene is nine exons separated by eight introns.
- The exact function of peripherin is unknown.
- The " RDS " gene provides instructions for making a protein called peripherin.
- It is expressed in early development in the neuroblast along with ?-internexin and peripherin.
- Consequently, the mutant peripherin forms aggregates instead of the filamentous network that it usually forms.
- Peripherin was discovered as being the major intermediate filament in neuroblastoma cell lines and in rat pheochromocytoma cells.
- Peripherin, unlike keratin IFs, can self-assemble and exist as homopolymers ( see polymer ).
- It's difficult to see peripherin in a sentence. 用peripherin造句挺难的
- This higher expression is due to the presence of peripherin in the tuberomammillary neurons of the mouse posterior hypothalamus.
- Peripherin 2 may function as an outer segment disks or in the maintenance of the curvature of the rim.
- This configuration is conserved among the three known mammalian species with known coding for peripherin, namely human, rat and mouse.
- Per 61 is created by introducing a 32 amino acid insertion within coil 2b of the ?-helical rod domain of peripherin.
- PC12 cells lacking peripherin showed no defects in neurite outgrowth and peripherin knockout mice develop normally with no anatomical abnormalities or different phenotypes.
- PC12 cells lacking peripherin showed no defects in neurite outgrowth and peripherin knockout mice develop normally with no anatomical abnormalities or different phenotypes.
- Peripherin is thought to play a role in neurite elongation during development and axonal regeneration after injury, but its exact function is unknown.
- Per 57 and 56 are normally co-expressed, whereas Per 61 is not found in normal peripherin expression in adult motor neurons.
- A comparison of peripherin expression in the posterior and lateral hypothalamus in mice showed a sixty-fold higher expression in the posterior hypothalamus.
- The proinflammatory cytokines, interleukin-6 and leukemia inhibitory factor, can also induce peripherin expression through the JAK-STAT signaling pathway.
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