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  • Moreover , in our work , it was found that the pbs nanoparticles were formed by using other sulfur source or a ph value less than 7 in the hydrothermal method . when using pbso4 and na2s as reactants , the autoclave was maintained at 200c for 20h , the products were pbs nanorods
    以醋酸铅和硫脲为先驱体, ph值大于10 ,在200下反应24小时,是制备pbs星状结构的最佳条件;改变硫源或体系ph值小于7时,所得产物均为pbs纳米颗粒。
  • It's difficult to see pbso4 in a sentence. 用pbso4造句挺难的
如何用pbso4造句,用pbso4造句pbso4 in a sentence, 用pbso4造句和pbso4的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。