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  • I liked it, as did a lot of other old palma hands .
  • Palma borrowed panama pan to fry the bahamas ham
  • Captain gaumard , recovered from his illness , had returned from palma
  • But i warn you . when you make those occasional sortie into palma , keep a check on your spend
    可是我得提醒你… …当你偶尔去帕尔玛游玩时,当心你的开销。
  • The last of the seven was antarctica - with the birth of emilio marco palma on an argentine military base
  • The last of the seven was antarctica - with the birth of emilio marco palma , on an argentine military base
  • " the captain , m . morrel , - he has stayed behind sick at palma ; but please god , it won t be much , and you will see him in a few days all alive and hearty .
    “船长,莫雷尔先生,他生病留在帕乐马了,感谢上帝,他病得并不厉害,几天之后你就可以看到他康复回来的。 ”
  • Palma de mallorca , spain ( afp ) - valencia striker fernando morientes will miss his club ' s champions league quarter - final matches against chelsea with a shoulder injury , the spanish federation announced here thursday
    西班牙马洛卡帕尔马消息( afp ) -西班牙足协周四宣布,瓦伦西亚前锋莫伦特斯因肩伤将错过欧冠联赛四分之一决赛对阵切尔西的比赛。
  • Although the film was a flop , those who did see it really took to the new actress . she then got her big break when she was cast as al pacino s wife in scarface . actually , director brian de palma originally didn t want to give her the part , until he saw her personally during casting
    这两部片不但让菲佛展现了他的风情,同时更连续受到奥斯卡的提名, 1993年的枪声响起让菲佛成为柏林影后及三度受到奥斯卡的提名,从此,蜜雪儿菲佛不再是“花瓶”的代名词。
  • At his residence of los pinos on wednesday evening , mexican president vicente fox announced the deaths of huerta , federal police commander tomas valencia and several other top officials in the crash of the helicopter that took them from mexico city to the high - security prison of la palma , in mexico state
  • It's difficult to see palma in a sentence. 用palma造句挺难的
  • This child , for whom my poor sister would go to the town , five or six leagues off , to purchase the earliest fruits and the most tempting sweetmeats , preferred to palma grapes or genoese preserves , the chestnuts stolen from a neighbor s orchard , or the dried apples in his loft , when he could eat as well of the nuts and apples that grew in my garden
  • World - renowned hong kong tenor warren mok has performed many leading roles since his european debut in 1987 at the deutsche oper berlin . with a distinguished international career , mok has been making frequent guest appearances throughout the world , including teatro colon in buenos aires , paris opera , teatro dell opera di roma , teatro comunale di bologna , teatro massimo palermo , opera de lyon , the netherlands opera , opera de nice , leipzig opera , royal danish opera , teatro di san carlos lisbon , bolshoi theatre , warsaw opera , teatro di cagliari , abao bilbao , teatro di palma di mallorca , nancy opera france , bergen opera norway , latvian national opera , lithuanian national opera , sydney opera house , hawaii opera theater , and concert halls in new york s carnegie hall , london s royal albert hall , berlin philharmonie , tokyo , seoul , etc . his operatic repertoire exceeds 50 roles including calaf in
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