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  • What ' s that ? - have you ever heard of ocd
    -什么啊? -你听过民防局吗?
  • Cognitive - behavior therapy on one case of ocd
  • God . . . she is so ocd , man
  • God . she is so ocd , man
  • There are different theories that have different perspectives in the causation of ocd
  • In the editor ' s opinion , dogs with ocd of any joint should be excluded from breeding programs
  • The worries ( obsessions ) with ocd are unrealistic , but are frightening to the person who has them
  • These two observational documentaries follow children with metal health problems ? obsessive compulsive disorder ( ocd ) and eating disorder
  • The article review new development of the diagnosis 、 discriminated diagnosis and comorbidity of ocd . and the distinctness of three diagnostic criterions to ocd is compared
  • Low leels of serotonin are linked with a number of disorders including aggression , anxiety , depression , obsessie compulsie disorder ( ocd ) , bipolar disorder , irritable bowel and fibromyalgia
    低浓度的5 -羟色胺与许多疾病有关,如应激、焦虑、抑郁、强迫症( ocd ) 、双相性精神障碍、肠易激症和纤维肌痛。
  • It's difficult to see ocd in a sentence. 用ocd造句挺难的
  • With ocd a teen may , for example , have constant worry and fear about illness or germs , and may become stuck in a pattern of washing and cleaning that becomes time - consuming , distressing , and feels impossible to control
  • Obsessive - compulsive disorder ( ocd ) is characterized by obsessions - thoughts or impulses that occur again and again and that a person feels he can ' t control - and compulsions - behaviors or rituals that a person feels he must perform to control disturbing thoughts and relieve the anxiety the thoughts trigger
    强迫症表现为执迷? ?反复出现乃至无法控制的念头或冲动,和强迫性冲动? ?一个人认为要控制纷扰思绪、解除被触发的焦虑感而必须履行的仪式或行为。
  • And a kind of remote serial protocol is introduced , through which the interaction between debugger and debugged program is implemented . sub - debugger and ocd ( on - chip debugging ) . two debugging modes in common use in embedded software development , are discussed too . finallybased on the cross debugger of x86 and powerpc86o on the nt platform , of which the author participates in the development . the data structure used to process and abstract debugging information is presented . the implementation methods of functions in common use are introduced . and the specific implementation algorithms of partial functions are supplied also
    被调试程序的运行硬件平台与调试器本身的运行平台的不一致性就要求嵌入式系统软件开法环境中的调试器具有交叉调试功能,论文介绍了一种常用的远程串行通信协议,通过该协议可完成调试器与被调试程序的交互,并对嵌入式系统软件开发环境中两种常用的远程调试方式stub - debugger与ocd ( on - chipdebugger )的特点与实现作了论述。
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