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  • Meanwhile , the yankees faithful will reach for the maalox and likely say a novena or two
  • Local people who lives around this area they believe that whoever have a problem with eyes they make novena to this pagoda
  • I no longer worry about my soul because i have 363 , 214 angels looking out for me , and st . theresa ' s novena has granted my every wish
    我无需再忧累我的灵魂?因为有363 , 214位天使在看守著它?加上在圣特蕾莎九日祷告中己把我每个愿望批准了。
  • He looked almost a saint and his confession - box was so quiet and clean and dark and his hands were just like white wax and if ever she became a dominican nun in their white habit perhaps he might come to the convent for the novena of saint dominic
  • It's difficult to see novena in a sentence. 用novena造句挺难的
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