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  • [ scoffing ] makes the nikon look like a disposable
  • What kind ? we ' ve got canon , fuji , and nikon
  • Scoffing makes the nikon look like a disposable
  • Nikon vr coolpix l5 full set with euro warranty
    美加旅游书-加拿大洛矶山脉连cd - rom usa
  • What kind ? we ' ve got canon , fuji , and nikon
  • The cameras used on the event day are supplied by nikon
  • We ' ve got canon , fuji , and nikon
  • It ' s a minox . do you think i was gonna go up there with a nikon
    是minox ,你以为我会带台nikon去吗
  • Lenses : the new 14 - 24 was nice , rep said it was the sharpest nikon has made thus far
    24非常好尼康代表说这是尼康所造的最锐利的镜头(真的? )
  • The nikon approach ( large sensor area and large pixel sizes to improve the signal to noise ratio might be a more sensible solution )
  • It's difficult to see nikon in a sentence. 用nikon造句挺难的
  • Yeah , yeah , i ' ve been good . i ' ve been doing well . as you see , we are here tonight for nikon commercial . it ' s been a very exciting day
  • The following photos are orginally from a korean male photographer whose name is ? ? . these pictures are taken by his nikon d200
    这些照片是一位名叫? ?的韩国男摄影师在尼康图片展上用自己的尼康d200拍摄的丹尼斯的照片,非常漂亮。
  • Should you experience this problem with your d70 camera , nikon will replace the component free of charge even if the camera ' s warranty has already expired
  • Nikon spokesman said the investment went toward buying equipment and constructing a clean room at an existing factory in kanagawa prefecture , near tokyo
  • A nikon spokesman said the investment went toward buying equipment and constructing a clean room at an existing factory in kanagawa prefecture , near tokyo
  • Canon ' s statement follows an announcement earlier this year by rival nikon corp . ( 7731 . t : quote , profile , research ) that it would stop producing most of its film cameras , expect for a few professional products
  • In the meantime , we have won the honors of best enterprise of quality and credit issued by china industry and economy union , best product of good quality by china association of technology supervision information , famous brand in electronics industry by china quality management association , etc . moreover , our company has been regarded as best supplier by large enterprises such as guangdong nikon camera co . , dongguan xintai optical co . , ltd . , dongguan tailian optical co . ltd . , shenzhen tianma micro electronic holdings ltd
    2000年至2004年,作为全国印制板表面贴装技术专业委员会会员单位,我公司先后获得中国工业经济联合会“抓质量,讲信誉”名优企业中国技术监督情报协会“质量过硬名优产品”中国质量管理协会“电子行业知名品牌”等荣誉。还被广东尼康照相机公司,东莞信泰光学有限公司,东莞泰联光学有限公司,深圳天马微电子股份有限公司等大型企业评为“优秀供应商” 。
  • Dissections and identifications were performed with a leica zoom2000 stereomicroscope , hand - drawing of male genitalia was carried out with olympus pm - 10ad microscope with drawing tube , and external morphological characters figured out under nikon afx - ii stereomicroscope fitted with drawing tube too
    所有研究标本均为成虫针插标本,雄性外生殖器解剖采用常规方法,在leicazoom2000体视显微镜下观察鉴定, olympuspm - 10ad显微镜下绘图,外部形态特征图在nikonafx -体视显微镜下完成。
  • The present dissertation mainly deals with morphology , phytogeny , geographic distribution , and taxonomy of the tribe of typhlocybini from china morphological terminology was adopted principally from zhang ( 1990 ) and dworakowska ( 1993 ) . the preparation and dissection of male genitalia was made according to the traditional methods and the characters were illustrated under the olympus pm - ioad microscope with a leize drawing tube . the external characters of adults were illustrated under nikon afx - ii steromicroscope with a leize drawing tube
    形态学术语基本遵从张雅林( 1990 )和dworakowska ( 1993 )的有关定义;鉴定标本均为成虫针插标本,雄性标本的外生殖器均采用常规方法完成解剖,在olympustx820604体视显微镜下观察鉴定,在olympuspm - 10ad显微镜下绘图,外部形态特征图在nikonafx -体视显微镜下绘制。
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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