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  • His fortune was at its nadir .
  • The demand for this product will reach its nadir within two years .
  • It felt as if we had traveled from nadir to zenith
  • The episode may prove to have been the firm ' s nadir
  • In 1995 , the government ' s tax revenue as a share of gdp reached a nadir of 9 . 9 %
    1995年,政府税收在gdp份额中的比例跌到9 . 9 %的最低点。
  • At the nadir of
  • The market ' s nadir at the end of last year says mr . li , was defined by what it did not do : react to favorable news
  • Temperature rises when reaching highest peak , reaching is oviposit period is gotten on for ; when dropping to the nadir , temperature drops is menses
  • The us currency has fallen 4 . 5 per cent against the euro this year and 4 per cent against sterling , hitting a new 26 - year nadir against the pound last week
    今年迄今,美元兑欧元和英镑汇率已分别下跌4 . 5 %和4 % ,美元兑英镑汇率甚至在上周触及了26年来最低水平。
  • Healthy maw is relatively fixed going up celiac , when the person stands , gastric nadir cannot exceed below hilum 2 horizontal strokes to point to ( point to ) of gastric small turn
    健康人的胃相对固定在上腹腔,当人站立时,胃的最低点不能超过脐下二横指(指胃小弯) 。
  • It's difficult to see nadir in a sentence. 用nadir造句挺难的
  • Chief ali mohammad 1721 - 48 of rohilla tribe , a pakhtun tribe from afghanistan , were allies of nadir shah and was awarded bareilly and surrounding territories
    首要阿里mohammad 1721 - 48 rohilla部落,一个pakhtun部落从阿富汗,是最低点shah盟友和被授予了bareilly和周围的疆土。
  • Television reached its acme , or perhaps more accu - rately its nadir , with the introduction of cable , which provides more than 50 channels of unwatchable driv - el
  • Modern campaign is physiological consider to make clear , the apogee of human body physical strength and nadir suffer airframe " biological clock " control , reach a peak in the dusk commonly
  • On the contrary , an object reaches its lowest position when passing through the semi - circle which includes the nadir and the nearest celestial pole , and this phenomenon is called lower culmination
  • 2 . a series of algorithm and program for tangent correction , radiant correction have been developed , the tangent distortion and the difference between limb radiance and sub - airplane point ( nadir ) radiance was corrected well
  • When the persian king nadir shah 1688 - 1747 ce invaded and captured delhi in 1739 , many people , including urdu writers , left delhi and settled in lucknow , which soon developed as the new hub of urdu literature
    当波斯国王nadir shah 1688 - 1747 1739年侵略了和夺取了德里,许多人,包括urdu作家,左德里和安定了在lucknow ,很快显现出作为urdu文学新插孔。
  • Having appeared out of control during manchester united ' s infamous 4 - 2 victory at highbury in february 2005 , the nadir appears to have been the red card rooney was shown against villarreal last september in a champions league game
    2005年2月在海布里4 - 2击败强手的战斗中他又失去控制,而最低谷就是在去年9月冠军联赛对阵比利亚雷亚尔的比赛中吃到红牌。
  • After insurance accident happens , insurant should be adopted actively rescue them measure , rescue insurance belongings , make the loss falls nadir , answer to inform an underwriter instantly , facilitate seasonable organization survey
  • In terms of performance , the group starts at a level slightly below the sum of the individuals ' levels and then drops abruptly to its nadir until it climbs during norming to a new level of performing which is ( hopefully ) well above the start
    表现在曲线上,最初团队水准略微低于团队中个人水准的总合,然后在震荡阶段跌落最低点,在经历规范到表现阶段之后就会有所突破(希望是这样) 。
  • For instance , the nadir that the body absorbs oxygen tolerance is in afternoon 6 : 00 ; the heart beats and the adjustment of blood pressure is in afternoon 5 : 00 to 6 : 00 between most evenly , and body smell , touch , vision also be in afternoon 5 : 00 to 7 : 00 between the most sensitive
    比如,身体吸收氧气量的最低点在下午6 : 00 ;心脏跳动和血压的调节在下午5 : 00到6 : 00之间最平衡,而身体嗅觉、触觉、视觉等也在下午5 : 00到7 : 00之间最敏感。
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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