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  • The mummers are costumed and in different masks
  • Kinch , the loveliest mummer of them all
    “金赤,所有的哑剧演员当中最可爱的一个。 ”
  • But a lovely mummer , he murmured to himself
    “然而是个可爱的哑剧演员, ”他自言自语着。
  • Mummer s wire . cribbed out of meredith
  • I have conceived a play for the mummers , he said solemnly
    “我为哑剧演员们构思了一出戏, ”他认真地说。
  • O , you peerless mummer
  • The mummers from the counts ; i can see by the horses , answered voices
    “看看那些马,我就晓得,这是化了装的伯爵家里的人, ”
  • The mummers bring a home blessing , encourage fertility , and frighten away any evil spirits
  • Led by a father , the mummers travel from homestead to homestead or from village to village
  • Mournful mummer , buck mulligan moaned . synge has left off wearing black to be like nature
    “愁眉苦脸的戏子, ”勃克穆利根慨叹道, “辛格为了活得更自然,不再穿丧服了。
  • It's difficult to see mummer in a sentence. 用mummer造句挺难的
  • In the counts sledge were dimmler with his wife and petya ; the other mummers were seated in the other two sledges
  • The corked moustaches and eyebrows were wearing off the heated , perspiring , and merry faces . pelagea danilovna began to recognise the mummers
  • The young people had disappeared . half an hour later there appeared in the hall among the other mummers an old lady in a crinolinethis was nikolay
  • Natasha had not finished singing when fourteen - year - old petya ran in great excitement into the room to announce the arrival of the mummers . natasha stopped abruptly . idiot ! she screamed at her brother
  • Mummers are also very family - oriented in their own way , although they are far more likely to adopt stray scoundrels and lost souls in their journeys than they are to have children of their own to teach
  • The clowndimmlerand the old ladynikolayopened the dance . surrounded by the shrieking children , the mummers hid their faces , and disguising their voices , bowed to their hostess and dispersed about the room
  • Nikolay , who wanted to drive them all in his sledge , as the road was in capital condition , proposed to drive to their so - called uncles , taking about a dozen of the house - serfs in their mummer - dress with them
  • Pelagea danilovna , busily giving orders for clearing the room for the guests and preparing for their entertainment , walked about among the mummers in her spectacles , with a suppressed smile , looking close at them and not recognising any one
  • From every street and every corner drove carriages filled with clowns , harlequins , dominoes , mummers , pantomimists , transteverins , knights , and peasants , screaming , fighting , gesticulating , throwing eggs filled with flour , confetti , nosegays , attacking , with their sarcasms and their missiles , friends and foes , companions and strangers , indiscriminately , and no one took offence , or did anything but laugh
  • Firstly , this paper , by the mummers , put forwards the reason of the false valuation of intangible assets from five aspects : the way of valuation , the organization of valuation , the client of valuation , the guild of valuation and government . secondly , put forwards the opinion from avoiding the administration of government , more developing the organization of valuation , strengthening the research of theory and criteria , reforming the charge system , and making the report of valuation in strictness and norm . it can effectively prevent and avoid the false valuation of intangible assets , and accelerate exuberance and continuance development of the valuation of intangible assets
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