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  • Anguita is located in the Sistema Ib閞ico below Sierra Ministra.
  • The forewings are more narrowed towards the base than in similar species " Asterivora ministra ".
  • El ano pasado, la ministra de Educacion de Ecuador tuvo que renunciar cuando la acusaron de plagiar su tesis universitaria.
  • A " magistra " or " ministra " would have been responsible for the regular maintenance of a cult.
  • It has its source in the Sierra Ministra, in the village of Horna, near Sig黣nza, in the province of Guadalajara.
  • En una muestra de continuidad, incluso mantuvo en su puesto a la ministra de Finanzas, Maritza Izaguirre, nombrada durante el gobierno de Rafael Caldera.
  • Otilia Lux de Coti no pertenecia a ningun partido cuando fue nombrada ministra de Cultura de Guatemala, la unica mujer en el gabinete del presidente Alfonso Portillo.
  • Specijalni odred je bio pod zapovjednikom aefa rejkjaviake policije, ali je 2004 . donijet novi zakon po kome se ovaj odred stavlja direktno pod zapovjedniatvo ministra pravosua i crkve.
  • El 29 de julio de 1952 asumi?como ministra de Justicia, como parte del 鷏timo gabinete del presidente radical Gabriel Gonz醠ez Videla, que tuvo un car醕ter m醩 t閏nico que pol韙ico.
  • En 1995 se desempe耋 como asesor de la ministra de Justicia Soledad Alvear en materias penitenciarias y un a駉 despu閟 fue designado subsecretario de Justicia por el Mandatario, Ricardo Lagos, en 2000.
  • It's difficult to see ministra in a sentence. 用ministra造句挺难的
  • The Central System links with the Sistema Ib閞ico at its eastern end through the Sierra de Pela, the Altos de Barahona and Sierra Ministra, the latter already fully part of the Iberian System.
  • Other religious titles for Roman women include " magistra ", a high priestess, female expert or teacher; and " ministra ", a female assistant, particularly one in service to a deity.
  • Moratinos took his from Ana Palacio, who noted she actually had two _ one labeled'ministro " and another'ministra " _ and gave him the latter as a spare, the news agency Efe reported.
  • The Jal髇 rises in one of the springs at the foot of the Sierra Ministra, called Fuente Vieja ( Old Fountain ) located at the base of Monteagudillo, a hill in Benamira, Medinaceli ( province of Zaragoza, Arag髇.
  • In the north of the Province of Guadalajara, bordering Madrid and Segovia, is a mountain range forming part of the Sistema Central, among which can be distinguished the mountain ranges Pela, Ayll髇, Somosierra, Barahona and Ministra, with the headwaters of the rivers Jarama, Ca馻mares and Henares.
  • Women priests played a prominent and crucial role in the official Ceres ", an office never held by men; " magistra ", a high priestess, female expert or teacher in religious matters; and " ministra ", a female assistant, particularly one in service to a deity.
  • Kada ga Vlada Srbije postavlja na mesto specijalnog savetnika ministra poljoprivrede, Duaana Petrovia radi kao posebni savetnik ministra, na iji je predlog i imenovan kao nestrana ka li nost odnosno ekspert za odnose sa javnoau i medijima, ali i strateakim projektima meu kojima je i  Stru no znanje za vaae imanje koje je podrazumevalo zapoaljavanje skoro 2000 nezaposlenih in ~ enjera poljoprivrede.
  • Kada ga Vlada Srbije postavlja na mesto specijalnog savetnika ministra poljoprivrede, Duaana Petrovia radi kao posebni savetnik ministra, na iji je predlog i imenovan kao nestrana ka li nost odnosno ekspert za odnose sa javnoau i medijima, ali i strateakim projektima meu kojima je i  Stru no znanje za vaae imanje koje je podrazumevalo zapoaljavanje skoro 2000 nezaposlenih in ~ enjera poljoprivrede.
  • Well-known defoliators include : the saddled prominent " Heterocampa guttivita ", poplar defoliator " Clostera cupreata ", California oakworm " Phryganidia californica ", the beech caterpillar, " Quadricalcarifera punctatella ", variable oakleaf caterpillar " Lochmaeus manteo ", " Epicerura pergisea ", yellownecked caterpillars " Datana ministra ", and walnut caterpillar " Datana integerrima ", among others.
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