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  • There has been no further activity from Shin Minimoni since 2011.
  • Takahashi accepts this offer thus beginning the second generation of Minimoni.
  • In 2009, Minimoni was revived as and remained active until 2011.
  • Despite the cancellation, Shin Minimoni continued performing in Hello!
  • Is the third single of the Morning Musume subgroup Minimoni.
  • Is the fourth single of the Morning Musume subgroup Minimoni.
  • Is the ninth single of the Morning Musume subgroup Minimoni.
  • Is the twelfth and last single of the Morning Musume subgroup Minimoni.
  • Minimoni disbanded at this concert with their final performances.
  • Is the first single by Morning Musume subgroup Minimoni.
  • It's difficult to see minimoni in a sentence. 用minimoni造句挺难的
  • Is the second single by Morning Musume subgroup Minimoni.
  • Is the sixth single of the Morning Musume subgroup Minimoni, jointly credited to.
  • Project groups Coconuts Musume and Minimoni.
  • In June 2007, an excerpt from a November 2000 appearance by Minimoni on " Hello!
  • After Minimoni is freed, they go with Takahashi and the refrigerator to see the fairy queen.
  • With the help of the fairies and the refrigerator, Minimoni and Takahashi successfully escape the castle.
  • Due to her graduating from Morning Musume and Hello Project, she also left the group Minimoni.
  • Their debut single, " Minimoni Jankenpyon ! ", was a number one hit on the Oricon.
  • Todd became famous as a member of Minimoni, but retired in 2004 to study singing in California.
  • In early 2004 it was announced that Todd would be graduating from Coconuts Musume, Minimoni and Hello!
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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